Author Topic: Superimposed jetway after P3D 4.4 reinstalls  (Read 1916 times)


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Superimposed jetway after P3D 4.4 reinstalls
« on: January 16, 2019, 09:27:25 pm »
After P3D reinstall I reinstalled UK2000 scenery and then GSX/GSX 2. When using EGBB the saved jetway from previous was there albeit it was superimposed over the existing Jetway. It worked as normal but original still there. Checked UK2000 EGAA where I had also changed to SODE jetway and that also knew previous selection but not superimposed. Have tried to delete the mod and then bring it back but no change.I must be missing something here. Full deletes were done but obviously some files must have remained. can you help please?


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Re: Superimposed jetway after P3D 4.4 reinstalls
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 05:57:30 pm »
It's not clear what you want to do:

- Revert to the 3rd party scenery as it was, with its own jetways, and get ride of the GSX customization. In this case, it would be enough to remove the .INI file for that airport located under %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX

- Restore the previous work you did on the scenery, which involves disabling the jetway that comes with the scenery, and replace with the GSX models. In this case, you are instead missing the Exclude file which was created by the GSX Control Panel for that scenery. Now, the situation might be different depending if you are only missing the Exclude .BGL file, or you are also missing the Exclude .XML SOURCE file, which was created by the GSX editor.

If you are missing ONLY the .BGL file, it would be enough to open the GSX Control Panel and click the "Compile Checked Exclude" button, so it will recreate all the missing Exclude .BGL

If, instead, you are also missing the XML files, you must do as follows to trigger their recreation:

- Open the GSX parking editor for that airport and select any parking that has a jetway replaced with a GSX/SODE model.

- Click TWICE on the "Exclude radius" checkmark, so the 1st click would disable the checkmark and the 2nd will re-enable it back.

- This will enable the "Apply" button, that will re-create the Exclude XML source file.

- Exit the sim, open the GSX Control Panel, and compile the new XML file, which will create the Exclude .BGL that will remove the jetways from the scenery.


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Re: Superimposed jetway after P3D 4.4 reinstalls
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2019, 06:36:35 pm »
Thanks for the detailed reply. I will look to implement, which is to restore the GSX function without the ghost.


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Re: Superimposed jetway after P3D 4.4 reinstalls
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2019, 08:21:06 pm »
All done thanks.