Author Topic: GSX Editor Keys not working  (Read 8189 times)


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GSX Editor Keys not working
« on: January 08, 2019, 11:30:23 am »
Hi I have purchased GSX level 1 and ten also also GSX level 2! now when I'm entering edit mode,want to edit jetways position or to edit something on the gate,no Numpad keys are working for me I've already uninstalled Ezdok Camera add-on,reset all the controls to default,but still nothing! when I start Edit mode the Hatch Switch on my Joystick that is assigned to Camera View Pan mode stops working so I couldn't rotate the camera and the Numpad keys are not working,nothing moves, the only one Numpad key that is working is Numpad 7, the F1, F4, Y also work but the keys that should move objects are not working,and I did tried NumLk on and off
And also to add that when I want to change the Pushback spots  the programm doesn't gives me to do so! I just put the coordinates of the taxi node in the GSX configurator, try to change the text in custom lables, push the Apply button and nothing happens, the button still stays awailable and nothing Saves, so no changes...
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 12:30:23 am by Vadimk0 »


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2019, 10:58:02 am »
GSX uses the standard slew key events so, the only possible reasons why they are not working are:

- those keys have been already taken by another addon


- those keys hasn't been assigned to their correct Slew events, which they are supposed to be in a default configuration so, resetting controls to default should work.

GSX never tries to read the keyboard directly, it uses the official Simconnect way to subscribe to standard Slew events so, the only possible reason for they keys not responding are these two, either the events are being intercepted by another product (camera utilities are known to cause this), or the Slew events are not default anymore.


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 03:38:25 pm »
GSX uses the standard slew key events so, the only possible reasons why they are not working are:

- those keys have been already taken by another addon


- those keys hasn't been assigned to their correct Slew events, which they are supposed to be in a default configuration so, resetting controls to default should work.

GSX never tries to read the keyboard directly, it uses the official Simconnect way to subscribe to standard Slew events so, the only possible reason for they keys not responding are these two, either the events are being intercepted by another product (camera utilities are known to cause this), or the Slew events are not default anymore.

But I already written it, that I've uninstalled any camera addon and reset the controls to default,but it still not working! it looks like you read the half of the message,because I have also wrote that custom push back also doesn't works for me: I'm writing the existing LAT and LOT coordinates (in decimal mode) of existing Node but it doesn't save's it,after I push the Apply button it still stays available and doesn't saves my entries


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2019, 04:23:05 pm »
But I already written it, that I've uninstalled any camera addon and reset the controls to default,but it still not working!

But since those two are the only possible reasons why the GSX editor keys are not working, then the only possible explanations why they are still not working are either:

1) You think you have disabled all camera utilities, but apparently some of their software is still loading, thus taking away the keys.


2) You haven't reset the Controls to default.

Option #2 seems to be unlikely, so it must be #1

it looks like you read the half of the message,because I have also wrote that custom push back also doesn't works for me: I'm writing the existing LAT and LOT coordinates (in decimal mode) of existing Node but it doesn't save's it,after I push the Apply button it still stays available and doesn't saves my entries

That's an entirely different issue that doesn't have anything to do with the subject of the thread so, it would have been best if you opened a separate thread with a proper title to report this other problem.

In any case, if you cannot save the custom pushback coordinates, check if your regional settings are maybe set to use the comma instead of the dot as a decimal separator, which might affect copy & paste. To prevent this, I usually copy ONLY the decimal part of the latitude and longitude.


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2019, 05:32:48 pm »
But I already written it, that I've uninstalled any camera addon and reset the controls to default,but it still not working!

But since those two are the only possible reasons why the GSX editor keys are not working, then the only possible explanations why they are still not working are either:

1) You think you have disabled all camera utilities, but apparently some of their software is still loading, thus taking away the keys.


2) You haven't reset the Controls to default.

Option #2 seems to be unlikely, so it must be #1

it's very difficult because I feel like I'm talking to my self! there's difference between 'Disabling' and uninstalling some add on,when you uninstall this add on so there's nothing that could be uploaded from it (anyway, not without letting me to know,that there's some problem) , so again ' I've totally uninstalled ' the only one camera add on that I've been using, Ezdok Camera, Reset all the controls to default (it's not comlicated, only pushing one button, "Reset to default") and still nothing! and I even think that I can help you in choosing the way to help me (and maybe to see that there could be more reasons to problem) and maybe putting together the Fact that I cannot Save the changes in Push back Spots and objects that aren't moving in editor mode (and how I know,when you make changes with objects and move them the Save happens automatically), so maybe there's some problem with the possibility to make changes to configuration file... Maybe the Fact that Virtually Folder is signed like "Read Only"(and I cannot change it), maybe that thing is problem I don't know,but for sure not the one of two options that you gave is the problem!


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 07:43:01 pm »
it's very difficult because I feel like I'm talking to my self!

No, it just that you don't seem to accept the answers...

there's difference between 'Disabling' and uninstalling some add on,when you uninstall this add on so there's nothing that could be uploaded from it (anyway, not without letting me to know,that there's some problem)

- Assuming the uninstaller does a through job.

- Assuming there are no leftover files, possibly coming from older versions of the same product, or similar products

- Assuming you don't have more than one utility that might have taken the keys.

Reset all the controls to default (it's not comlicated, only pushing one button, "Reset to default")

That's why I said this would be the more unlikely cause.

maybe putting together the Fact that I cannot Save the changes in Push back Spots and objects that aren't moving in editor mode

I already asked you to NOT put those two together, because they don't have ANYTHING to do with each other. As I've said, NOTHING in GSX controls the keys, it just relies on those keys being assigned to the Slew mode and nowhere GSX saves anything about this keys, so the possibly issue about not being able to write in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder cannot possibly have anything to do with the keys used by the editor.

COULD BE you have the "Pause on Task switch" option enabled ? That would explain why the editor is not getting the events: when the simulator in in Pause, the communication between GSX and the sim is paused too.


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 12:58:40 am »

No, it just that you don't seem to accept the answers...

I accept the answers,but I need solution and not just maybe it's some add on,maybe something else; "But there's no way for other problems" !
I've payed money for this application,so I want it to work how it should be,and you should give me a solution to the problem,and not just tell me "it's for sure some add on causing this problem"! you know what,even if it's some add on,so you should help me to find out which one,or if you tell that it's camera add on's causing this problems so for today all of the Virtual pilot's use or Ezdok or Chaseplane,so if it's one of them causing the problem so you should make your application compatible and give it option to coexist together

COULD BE you have the "Pause on Task switch" option enabled ? That would explain why the editor is not getting the events: when the simulator in in Pause, the communication between GSX and the sim is paused too.

No, the Pause on task switch is off!


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2019, 01:08:23 am »
or if you tell that it's camera add on's causing this problems so for today all of the Virtual pilot's use or Ezdok or Chaseplane,so if it's one of them causing the problem so you should make your application compatible and give it option to coexist together

We don't have (and we can't ) to do anything to make it compatible with other camera addons, because it's not GSX that have redefined the usage of the default Slew keys, those utilities do. And, all users that had this problem caused by camera addons, solved it by disabling the addon or being sure they won't take the Slew keys for themselves.

No, the Pause on task switch is off!

Then I already told you all the known solutions to this problem, and you are the only one that couldn't fix it with either 3 methods ( disable other camera utilities, restore default controls and being sure the sim is not paused ).


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2019, 01:14:30 am »
Look, I'm now with Prepar loaded, disabled all the add on's, Ezdok, Linda,I don't know what else to disable, Restored the Default control's, and rechecked that the sim is not on Pause...and NOTHING!!!!
I don't know what else to disable! and I actually understand that I don't know what are those Slew keys and Slew mode,I know that in controls menu,the Numpad keys have different assignments, like: Throttle, trim up, trim down and etc...
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 01:22:25 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2019, 01:25:54 am »
and I actually understand that I don't know what are those Slew keys and Slew mode

The various Numpad keys, which are assigned with the Slew section of the Controls. Controls have separate sections for normal flight and Slew mode, which is selected with the "Flight Mode" drop-down list.

For example, by default Slew(backward) is assigned to NumPad 2, Slew(forward) to NumPad 8.


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2019, 01:32:47 am »
and I actually understand that I don't know what are those Slew keys and Slew mode

The various Numpad keys, which are assigned with the Slew section of the Controls. Controls have separate sections for normal flight and Slew mode, which is selected with the "Flight Mode" drop-down list.

For example, by default Slew(backward) is assigned to NumPad 2, Slew(forward) to NumPad 8.

Oh yes I think I just found a problem! when I check the control's assignments in Slew mode, even after the Reset to default,there's no Assignments to Numpad keys,so maybe you could give me all those assignments I then I check?


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2019, 01:49:36 am »
Oh yes I think I just found a problem! when I check the control's assignments in Slew mode, even after the Reset to default,there's no Assignments to Numpad keys,so maybe you could give me all those assignments I then I check?

Have you tried pressing Reset after you select the Slew mode ?


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2019, 01:53:05 am »
Oh yes I think I just found a problem! when I check the control's assignments in Slew mode, even after the Reset to default,there's no Assignments to Numpad keys,so maybe you could give me all those assignments I then I check?

Have you tried pressing Reset after you select the Slew mode ?

Ohhhh,so the solution was,to choose the slew mode in controls and then push Reset,because when you push Reset in normal mode it doesn't resets the Slew mode assignments and now everything works perfectly!thank you for assistance!


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Re: GSX Editor Keys not working
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2019, 01:53:56 am »
Ok, so it was just a less than intuitive simulator UI choice.