Developer's Backdoor > Chicago O'Hare V2

Update on the ORD V2?

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Richard McDonald Woods:
Waiting for time to stand still ???

This isn't meant as me being impatient or understanding that things change but this was the quote from April 17th 2018:

"We decided to "froze" it at the March 2018 situation, otherwise we'll never be able to release it...".

I take this is no longer the case?



--- Quote from: Dave81 on March 22, 2019, 03:33:29 pm ---We decided to "froze" it at the March 2018 situation, otherwise we'll never be able to release it...".  I take this is no longer the case?
--- End quote ---

Of course, just read my last post.

In April 2018, nobody outside LM could possibly knew, if and when P3D would eventually get PBR (we only assumed it would, eventually, and we were right, but there was no telling exactly *when*, back then).

Are you able to provide a more detailed progress update?  Or is the 2017 announcement that it will be released sometime in 2018 going to morph into a 2019 announcement that it is going to be released sometime in 2020?


--- Quote from: Zimmerbz on April 05, 2019, 03:15:19 pm ---Are you able to provide a more detailed progress update?  Or is the 2017 announcement that it will be released sometime in 2018 going to morph into a 2019 announcement that it is going to be released sometime in 2020?
--- End quote ---

It will be released when it's done. You don't want it to be released *BEFORE* it's done, don't you ? The development is progressing just fine, it's just an incredibly huge airport, and we want to make it right.


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