Author Topic: Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.  (Read 3930 times)


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Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.
« on: December 21, 2018, 11:06:14 pm »

I really love your product you do a great job and I enjoyed GSXGS for two years.  I took a one year break from FSX and now GSXGS is two products instead and I am a retired 70 year old on a very limited income and it bothers me that even tho I paid for the old version I no longer have access to it.  I know this will probably fall on deaf ears I know it's about creating new and better content and making more money.  I wish you the best and keep creating good content.  Unfortunately I will not be able to purchase it.

Thanks for reading this I'm sorry if you are offended and I wish you the best in all future endorsers.
Bob Armstrong


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Re: Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2018, 06:21:32 pm »

Even though there have been changes, you can still use GSX with your current license and use all the new features except for those that are part of GSX Level 2. You do not need to make any additional purchase unless you want those Level 2 features (i.e. people boarding and deboarding and SODE jetways at default airports). In fact, you can even use the Level 2 features at any FSDT airport you may have without paying extra. So with this new installer you're getting so much more than you already had without it costing you a penny. So enjoy your next flight with GSX!




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Re: Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2018, 07:20:35 pm »

wsmeier already explained it perfectly.

The whole point of making GSX as an expansion, was PRECISELY to prevent user to think their "old" GSX became obsolete. In fact, it's exactly the opposite: by integrating both the base product and the expansion in the same installer, with the expansion being an OPTIONAL activation, is precisely what will allow you to continue to enjoy future updates to the base GSX features you bought, without having to feel abandoned.


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Re: Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2018, 05:19:47 pm »
I appreciate your response. However I can't get the jet ways to work at all.  Every time I try to get them to work I get a pop up that this feature is only available in GSX Part 2.

Am I doing something wrong because I used to be able to use jet ways.


Bob A.


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Re: Why can't I download the old version of GSX Ground Services.
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2019, 02:03:36 pm »
I appreciate your response. However I can't get the jet ways to work at all.  Every time I try to get them to work I get a pop up that this feature is only available in GSX Part 2.

Well, obviously, since the whole point of the GSX Level 2 is to provide with new replacement jetways, you MUST use GSX Level 2 if you want to operate them in the first place!

Unless, you were meant to say "I want to go back to the old default jetways", which is very easy to do, and of course is one of the first things explained in the GSX manual, at Page 4, which says that, if you want to go back to the default jetways, you can restore them from the GSX Control Panel.