FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Download new version KLAS question


A couple of days ago I purchased KFLL, now I get a message that I have an old version of KLAS, the FS then continues normally after I tick the OK button.

I checked my file were I keep the installers and found two, Ver. dated 4 May, and dated 14 May.

I bought KLAS on 16th June.

Problem is is that I do not know which installer I used.

In my ADD/REMOVE programme I can only see the other four products I have purchased and not KLAS.
I can therefore not use the programme to un-install as you adviced to another customer.

As far as I can see all the DLL files have a date around 15 April except for an AFCAD upgrade 11 June.

I have just downloaded the update

So which installer version do I need? Or shall I leave the FS as it is at the moment as I do not have any trouble with the sceneries.

Apart from the upgrade message my KLAS seems to be in order when I go there.

In the past when I got a message that an airport needed to be updated the FS stopped playing until the new version was installed.

Sorry about the long message.

The date that you purchased the scenery doens't mean anything. What's important, is the date you downloaded the installer.

If you downloaded the installer in May, the fact that you bought the scenery in June doesn't automatically update the scenery, because there's no "full" version download, the only installer we have is the Trial version that can be unlocked whenever you want so, if you have purchased using an old installer, the purchase is fine, but your scenery still needs to be updated, by downloading the latest version of the Trial.

Also, the fact that you purchased KLAS doesn't have anything to do with what you see on the Add/Remove programs list. This will show you everything that you have *installed*, regardless if you have purchased it or not. So, if you don't see anything related to KLAS, it can only mean you have forgot to install the Full installer, and installed only the Update, because the Update installed all by itself, will not appear in the Add/Remove programs so, you might see some scenery, but it's not complete.

If you already downloaded the upgrade, this should be enough, but you need to install the Full version first, it doesn't matter which one, as long as it is a full version, and you run the Updater after it.

Or, if you don't mind downloading a bigger files, just download the Full installer again, and get rid of everything else you have.

Thanks Virtuali for your advice, KLAS is now up-dated.

Also the scenery is shown in my ADD/REMOVE programme along with the other airports.


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