When the GSX Level 2 Expansion is Active, the Deboarding/Boarding settings in the Timings page will look different.
Since passengers are now no longer simulated, but will appear as actual animated characters, the original timings in seconds/passenger will not be meaningful anymore: the time required to board passengers will be a combination of their walking speed and their density. Each passenger has its own walking speed, which depends by its animation and walking style, but it’s possible to control the passenger Density, which will affect the number of animated passengers visible on screen at any given time.
Setting the slider towards the highest density settings will shorten boarding and deboarding times, but with some cost in performances.
Also, on 32 bit simulators ( FSX and P3D 1/2/3 ), there’s a risk that too many passengers visible at the same time might exhaust the limited memory available in 32 bit mode, especially when using GSX with complex airplanes and airport scenery. We suggest to start with the lowest density settings, and eventually rise them up if you are sure there’s enough memory available.
On a 64 bit simulator, like P3D4, the highest passenger density settings won’t risk memory exhaustion, so the GPU will probably be the only factor affecting performances.
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