Thank you Javier 
Did someone told you allready that you do a great job by sharing your files 
Will wait and see the update coming...
hello my friend! hahaha a few times they have indeed.. and happy that it is useful for so many..
at least that is what it seems since 1200 reads a week say so.. but to be honest, dont get the sense of it.. i just imagine that is useful.. happy that you like it.
Listen, i did not want to go to bed with out trying egkk from scratch.. check that you have done the renaming of the 3 files, 1 in sode, 2 in the scenery to .off.
sode>xml>UK2000 Gatwick and in the scenery folder: & i tried it and it works. updated instructions of the last file that it was magically gone from it! lol i here attach copy of them
sorry did not do it this morning.. crazy crazy day.
Please let me know if you need further help. By mi pic is my email