Author Topic: KBOS - BOSTON LOGAN - GSX Level 2. Fully finnished configuration available here  (Read 12649 times)


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1.Jetways and bridges addded. All parking postions tested. No errors no matter what plane you use, size or door (1L on S & M. 1L, 2L and sometimes 3L on HEAVY).
      2. Pushbacks for gates AND Parkings:
          a. More realistic (adding Facing North, south, ect.. on the choice of pushbacks!!!). This way you do not have to think too much when the ATC tells you to place the plane heading ....
          b. Fixed the pushbacks that i detected to be wrong.
          c. Long pushbacks now specify on which Lane you land and close to which parking place.
       3. If the scenery has a docking system that has conflict with your starting position when entering the Sim (Too far, etc), is replaced by a GSX2 docking device.  If it doesn't, one is added. Both in Gates AND parkings (where possible)
       4. Double Jetways added when possible. In scneries that you can remove fixed jetways, I show you how.
       5. Vehicles in position.

To download the link go to:,19008.msg131922.html#msg131922
« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 04:11:20 pm by cartayna »


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I still have the jetways that come with the scenery. Do I need to turn off any files in the Flytampa directory?



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I still have the jetways that come with the scenery. Do I need to turn off any files in the Flytampa directory?

Hi Jonald!
Yes, thanks to your comment i have detected that for some wird reason, the control panel of GSX2 does not aknowledge the exclusions that do come in my .ini file. I have reported it to FSDT. In the mean time, to this new third step on the instructions that have been modified thanks to your alert.

THIRD:   In the FlyTampa Control Panel, select SODE Jetways. Go to the C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml folder and change the file extension of “FlyTampa_KBOS.xml” to “.off

Tanks and let me know if there is any problem.



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Thank you so much!


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Hello cartayna,

Thank you for the great work!
At FlyTampa KBOS I just can not get it.

I did all three steps exactly but I do not have the new jetways. When I restart Coautl I can see the new Jetways for a very short time.
Do I have to rename a file with the extension "BGL" to "off"?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.?

Can you possibly help me?

Many Greetings,


p.s .: Sorry for the bad English ;)


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Hello cartayna,

Thank you for the great work!
At FlyTampa KBOS I just can not get it.

I did all three steps exactly but I do not have the new jetways. When I restart Coautl I can see the new Jetways for a very short time.
Do I have to rename a file with the extension "BGL" to "off"?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.?

Can you possibly help me?

Hello Norman,

You say you can see the GSX2 jetways only for a short period of time and then they dissapear?
Many Greetings,


p.s .: Sorry for the bad English ;)


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"Hello Norman,

You say you can see the GSX2 jetways only for a short period of time and then they dissapear?"


That's right, when I reboot Coautl then the new jetways will load up and then they'll be gone.

Greet Norman


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"Hello Norman,

You say you can see the GSX2 jetways only for a short period of time and then they dissapear?"


That's right, when I reboot Coautl then the new jetways will load up and then they'll be gone.

Greet Norman
and what happens with the defalut jetways, are they still in the scenery?


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Yes the standard jetways are there and after the reboot of coautl too.


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Yes the standard jetways are there and after the reboot of coautl too.
ok, then you have forgotten step 3.
"THIRD: If you use the second step because you have not installed the Sode, then ignore this step In the FlyTampa Control Panel, select SODE Jetways. Go to the C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml folder and change the file extension of “FlyTampa_KBOS.xml” to “.off”


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I took this step.
If I am in the folder "C: \ ProgramData \ 12bPilot \ SODE \ xml" then there is the file "FlyTampa_KBOS" without .xml.
I still have ".off.

I do not know what's wrong

For information: SODE I have installed.

Thanks and greetings



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I took this step.
If I am in the folder "C: \ ProgramData \ 12bPilot \ SODE \ xml" then there is the file "FlyTampa_KBOS" without .xml.
I still have ".off.

I do not know what's wrong

For information: SODE I have installed.

Thanks and greetings

Dont worry Norman, we will make it work, who knows, i might have not been clear on the instructions. on the FlyTampa Configurator what option do you have on? Jetways Ctrl+J or SODE?
Also, go to the Boston Scenery folder, in the search of the explorer, type the word .off and tell me what files with the word jetway are off please.


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Thank you!

So I have the SODE Jetways active in the system setup for FlyTampa near Boston.

In the Boston Scenery folder you will find the following entries with "Jetway and .off"


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Thank you!

So I have the SODE Jetways active in the system setup for FlyTampa near Boston.

In the Boston Scenery folder you will find the following entries with "Jetway and .off"
this is so so strange. lets try this.
1. turn the option jetwats ctrl+j ON in the flytampa configurator.
2. make sure you have placed the exclude folder in the FSdreamteam folder.
3. go to the GSX2 Control panel and look if you have 93 excluded jetways there.
4. go into the sim, let me know if default scenery jetways are there.
5. let me know if gsx2 jetways are there. if not, restart and reload coualt.


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I have solved the problem.

I simply reinstalled FlyTampa Boston.
Now everything works perfectly.
Thank you for the help and again for the great work. Keep it up!!

many Greetings
