Situation: QualityWings B787-900 at TNCM, so stairs for boarding PAX.
The first two busses, PAX are walking nicely up the stairs at L1, L2 and L4. Then the bagage loading is completed so I close the forward and afterward cargo hatches.
When bus number 3 arrives, GSX asked me to open door L4 while it is open. Closing and re-opening doesn't help.
So I select the GSX menu for a reset. But that makes GSX/Couatl disappear from the Add-On menu. An P3D error message that Couatl engine has stopped and it might be a virus thing. Instruction to exclude the AddonManager directory from the virus software. Which I did months ago.
I have not find a way to restart Couatl/GSX while P3D is running, so a P3D restart is needed.
It happened to me before several times after a reset, also with the MJCQ400 so I don't think it's a QW787 thing.
Although minor, I thought it is wise to report these two items.