Author Topic: EGLL - Aerosoft - GSX Level 2. Fully finnished configuration available here  (Read 21449 times)


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Hello Sir.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Uploaded latest from your Dropbox re egll, restarted coualt a number of times, deactivated SODE.. I am not showing any jetways at all.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.


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Please disregard previous, got it working. It was the ini file not speaking to the afcad. Thank you for the great work you do.


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Please disregard previous, got it working. It was the ini file not speaking to the afcad. Thank you for the great work you do.
fantastic! yeap, that is a classic!
when you dont see my jetways can ONLY be 2 things, this case is one of them, and the other is when you see GSX2 jetways for a split of a second and disapear... that is the SODE of the scenery that is on the way.  There you must set to .off the .xml file corresponding to that scenery, on the sode xml folder.


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Hello guys,
i have the same Problem what Jezza has,
i use your gsx file but no Jetways shown,
I don't know what i'm doing wrong,
Can anybody help me?

i use the FSX, is this the Problem?


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Hello guys,
i have the same Problem what Jezza has,
i use your gsx file but no Jetways shown,
I don't know what i'm doing wrong,
Can anybody help me?

i use the FSX, is this the Problem?
Check the previous poat
« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 12:41:33 am by cartayna »


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Thanks for your amazing contributions!

Is there any quick way to replace the jetways with non-glass ones? As a Heathrow local it bugs me to see all jettys as glass where in reality all of them are metal. I would really like to use your profile but not sure how to best go about this other than manually replacing all the jetways with metal ones? Thanks!


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Thanks for your amazing contributions!
Is there any quick way to replace the jetways with non-glass ones? As a Heathrow local it bugs me to see all jettys as glass where in reality all of them are metal. I would really like to use your profile but not sure how to best go about this other than manually replacing all the jetways with metal ones? Thanks!
hi there! unfortunatelly for me is not that easy. Not if all the jetways have not the same size, or height. plus doing global changes such as that one, has a tendency to screw up other things such as liveries, and other details.

Having said this, the quickest way is to wait for me a bit, to bring EGLL to v4. V4 brings allways a metal and a glass when the real life jetways are metal. I am in the process of doing an upgrade to the last 30% of the sceneries that are not yet v4 at the same time that i am working on v5. i will move up on the list EGLL so you can have it this comming week.



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Amazing, thanks so much!!!


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Hi Cartayna,

Thank you very much for your many contributions! I have encountered a few errors with jetways not showing up in your latest release for EGLL (v5). I am in the process of trouble shooting the issue:
The EGLL FsDreamteam folder has a sub folder that has a spelling error Excclude instead of Exclude... is that intentional?

In my Aerosoft EGLL scenery folder, I only have a EGLL_LIB-JetwayAnim.BGL file, not a EGLL_LIB-Jetway.BGL as described in the instruction manual.



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Hi Cartayna,

Thank you very much for your many contributions! I have encountered a few errors with jetways not showing up in your latest release for EGLL (v5). I am in the process of trouble shooting the issue:
The EGLL FsDreamteam folder has a sub folder that has a spelling error Excclude instead of Exclude... is that intentional?
In my Aerosoft EGLL scenery folder, I only have a EGLL_LIB-JetwayAnim.BGL file, not a EGLL_LIB-Jetway.BGL as described in the instruction manual.
Hello Thomas,
You are welcome.
Thanks for reporting the Eclude typo. I think no one noticed because most of everyone is actually using the replacing SODE rather than the old CTRLJ, thus then the exclude has no effect. Needles to say that I have corrected it. I stopped adding a while ago the exclude files for it really does not make any sense, since is always better to install my ini file and then go to your GSX Control Panel and press COMPILE. this way if it needs to have exclusions it will create such.
This EGLL is a bit of a nightmare since some of you have installed the SODE.bat and some not. Have you? if not, i recommend you do. This SODE package is in the Simwings page:  If you check the SODE.bat program (editing it), you will see that it is indeed called EGLL_LIB-Jetway.bgl a file to be asked to be deleted:

echo off
Echo Stop P3D if running and please WAIT until the P3D Program is fully unloaded!!!
ECHO WARNING: SODE 1.6.4 or highter needed!
copy .\Files\EGLL_LIB-Jetways-SODE.BGL ..\SCENERY
copy .\Files\EGLL_OBJ-Docking-SODE.BGL ..\SCENERY
xcopy .\Simobjects\*.* %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\12bPilot\SODE\Simobjects\*.* /S /q
ECHO SODE Jetways activated!

Thus if you do not have this file is because you have already installed the SODE for this scenery. Go to 12bpilot>xml and look for the sode file for Heathrow: "AJS_EGLL_SODE.XML". Set this to .off.
Let me know how it goes.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 04:52:19 pm by cartayna »


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Hi Cartayna,
Thank you very much for your many contributions! I have encountered a few errors with jetways not showing up in your latest release for EGLL (v5). I am in the process of trouble shooting the issue:
The EGLL FsDreamteam folder has a sub folder that has a spelling error Excclude instead of Exclude... is that intentional?
In my Aerosoft EGLL scenery folder, I only have a EGLL_LIB-JetwayAnim.BGL file, not a EGLL_LIB-Jetway.BGL as described in the instruction manual.
Also Thomas, when someone reports a glitch that i might have the slightest doubt, i uninstall the scenery, install, follow the instructions,and test.
I did find the file EGLL_LIB-Jetways.BGL on the scenery folder after installing and running the sode.bat, thus: A) I turned it .off. B)made sure that the ini had the afcad that i had selected in the EGLL configurator, C) set the xml of the sode folder to .off and it has all the jetways. make sure you do a fresh install for if you dont find this bgl it can only be that you are running a different scenery other than simwings EGLL v110.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 05:37:04 pm by cartayna »


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Hi everybody,

Today I tried to install the Cartayna file for EGLL according to instructions. I still use the FSX SP2.
Unfortunately, no jetways are displayed. Couatl restarted a few times and rebuilded the airport cache. Nothing.
I can not disable SODE because I have no entry for EGLL there.
Maybe a problem with the AFCAD?
Help welcome.

regards joerg


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Maybe i missed something but where on the facebookpage can i download the airport configs
