Author Topic: LKPR (2018 Aersosft) - GSX Level 2. Fully finnished configuration available here  (Read 12543 times)


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1.Jetways and bridges addded. All parking postions tested. No errors no matter what plane you use, size or door (1L on S & M. 1L, 2L and sometimes 3L on HEAVY).
      2. Pushbacks for gates AND Parkings:
          a. More realistic (adding Facing North, south, ect.. on the choice of pushbacks!!!). This way you do not have to think too much when the ATC tells you to place the plane heading ....
          b. Fixed the pushbacks that i detected to be wrong.
          c. Long pushbacks now specify on which Lane you land and close to which parking place.
       3. If the scenery has a docking system that has conflict with your starting position when entering the Sim (Too far, etc), is replaced by a GSX2 docking device.  If it doesn't, one is added. Both in Gates AND parkings (where possible)
       4. Double Jetways added when possible. In scneries that you can remove fixed jetways, I show you how.
       5. Vehicles in position.

To download the link go to:,19008.msg131922.html#msg131922


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More realistic (adding Facing North, south, ect.. on the choice of pushbacks!!!). This way you do not have to think too much when the ATC tells you to place the plane heading ....
That is not realistic, in Prague, they never tell you which direction. ;)


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More realistic (adding Facing North, south, ect.. on the choice of pushbacks!!!). This way you do not have to think too much when the ATC tells you to place the plane heading ....
That is not realistic, in Prague, they never tell you which direction. ;)
Really? and what do they say?


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They only say "push and start approved" and on all stands, you can push only in one direction.


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To be exact, stands 5x, 6x, 7x and apron south stands dont need pushback, acft on stands 1-31 push like this:

this pic says, stands 1 to 3 are pushed LEFT, 4 to 7 are pushed RIGHT, 9 to 13 are pushed to LEFT, 14 to 16 RIGHT, 17 to 21 LEFT, 22A is pushed on H (but this stand is not in AFCAD since it would collide with guys using AI Traffic; also counts for all other xxA or xxB stands), 22 to 31 are pushed RIGHT, SOMETIMES, acft from 23 are pushed straight to taxiway K.
Stand 8 is not present at LKPR.


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To be exact, stands 5x, 6x, 7x and apron south stands dont need pushback, acft on stands 1-31 push like this:

this pic says, stands 1 to 3 are pushed LEFT, 4 to 7 are pushed RIGHT, 9 to 13 are pushed to LEFT, 14 to 16 RIGHT, 17 to 21 LEFT, 22A is pushed on H (but this stand is not in AFCAD since it would collide with guys using AI Traffic; also counts for all other xxA or xxB stands), 22 to 31 are pushed RIGHT, SOMETIMES, acft from 23 are pushed straight to taxiway K.
Stand 8 is not present at LKPR.
and in stands 70's? you dont go facing NE ro SW?
Also pkg 22 would pback facing SE for rw30 and NW for 12/24 etc.

And I thing you are really missing the point,  as long as there is 1 pkg that has this option, the airport is treated that way and you are not even seein what is right in front of your eyes, all pushbacks have been tested and work perfect, in thos where the AI of GSX2 leaves you in the wrong spot, manual coordinates are given to fix this. And this is just refering to the pushbacks... you have a better gsx file with you?
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 10:50:05 am by cartayna »


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To be exact, stands 5x, 6x, 7x and apron south stands dont need pushback, acft on stands 1-31 push like this:

this pic says, stands 1 to 3 are pushed LEFT, 4 to 7 are pushed RIGHT, 9 to 13 are pushed to LEFT, 14 to 16 RIGHT, 17 to 21 LEFT, 22A is pushed on H (but this stand is not in AFCAD since it would collide with guys using AI Traffic; also counts for all other xxA or xxB stands), 22 to 31 are pushed RIGHT, SOMETIMES, acft from 23 are pushed straight to taxiway K.
Stand 8 is not present at LKPR.
So there are a few where the ATC has to tell you which way you are facing. Pk22, 23, 70,71,72,73,74,75.. in these, depending on which way you push, you can go to different runways.
And I sincerely doubt the ATC on those spots will tell you to go nose to the left or right. Hey, you prefer the default, suit yourself.
You have to understand that this are free files, you seem to be the only one out of thousand that have downloaded the files that disagrees that they improve significantly the default AI. Also the criteria (Facing) is used for all sceneries that i do, since is what you find in 99% of the airports.. if i had to study the "particularities" of each airport regarding what a controller says on each stand would take years to acomplish doing 50 sceneries with all the improvements that i make .. Also, the information that gives you (e.g. facing NE..NR)
it does not mean that if the controller tells you just to pushback, and there is ONLY ONE pushback offered in my GSX file, then is irrelevant what direction I say, I am offering you just one pushback.. which indeed places the plane in the direction that GSX says.  Default pushbacks in GSX, not only leaves you most of the times on the wrong place not aligned and even offering you 2 directions when you can only go one, sayin Nose to the left, when if the controller gives you any direction will be a NE, SW, etc.. Not in mine, those issues are solved.  with a cost of 10h for scneries such as this and up to 40h for sceneries the size of EHAM, EGLL, KSFO.
Is this file then perfect? nope, but is 10 times better than the default. I guess if you look with a lens under the carpet you can allways find a dot of dust, ....
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 11:13:37 am by cartayna »


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Is this file then perfect? nope, but is 10 times better than the default. I guess if you look with a lens under the carpet you can allways find a dot of dust, ....
No problem with that you just said it is more as per the real so I told you how is it in Prague. ;) btw. XHT Labs finally published via Aerosoft their newest update with their own GSX v2 config files. :)


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Is this file then perfect? nope, but is 10 times better than the default. I guess if you look with a lens under the carpet you can allways find a dot of dust, ....
No problem with that you just said it is more as per the real so I told you how is it in Prague. ;) btw. XHT Labs finally published via Aerosoft their newest update with their own GSX v2 config files. :)
yeap, saw it a few weeks ago, check it for your self. that is not a gsx level 2 configuration. is practically empty


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What exactly doesnt it have?


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What exactly doesnt it have?
Everything: Jetways are quite boring, no logos, no numbers.
No pushback tested or corrected.. there are plenty wrong that the GSX2 AI draws from the AFcad file.
Plane sizes, i make sure that you dont get the annoying message your plane is too big.. that one uses the default AI of GSX2 to make the space for the plane... the AI makes a lot of mistakes with this.
Jetways tested for different planes? not
Double jetways not.
Stop postions, not corrected.
Vehicles in default positions, not corrected.
I could swear that the dockings are not placed at all.

In other words, it is a gsx file, because it has the format of a GSX level 2.. but i can tell you 100% that they spent 20 minutes doing it.. i go through every parking, and it takes a good 3-4 minutes to do each.. parkings included.. so you make the numbers.. and is more, there is a very easy way to know if a file has been worked or not, believe it or not, the size of it.


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What exactly doesnt it have?
Everything: Jetways are quite boring, no logos, no numbers.
No pushback tested or corrected.. there are plenty wrong that the GSX2 AI draws from the AFcad file.
Plane sizes, i make sure that you dont get the annoying message your plane is too big.. that one uses the default AI of GSX2 to make the space for the plane... the AI makes a lot of mistakes with this.
Jetways tested for different planes? not
Double jetways not.
Stop postions, not corrected.
Vehicles in default positions, not corrected.
I could swear that the dockings are not placed at all.

In other words, it is a gsx file, because it has the format of a GSX level 2.. but i can tell you 100% that they spent 20 minutes doing it.. i go through every parking, and it takes a good 3-4 minutes to do each.. parkings included.. so you make the numbers.. and is more, there is a very easy way to know if a file has been worked or not, believe it or not, the size of it.

Jetways are as per the real life, pushbacks are working fully correct as in real life, plane sizes are tested aswell, jetways were tested with different acfts like PMDG 737/747/777 and FSL, QW, etc., vehicles are in same position as in real life, the dockings are placed by the default scenery from XHT Labs, double jetwas are ONLY on stand where they should be. What else? :)


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What exactly doesnt it have?
Everything: Jetways are quite boring, no logos, no numbers.
No pushback tested or corrected.. there are plenty wrong that the GSX2 AI draws from the AFcad file.
Plane sizes, i make sure that you dont get the annoying message your plane is too big.. that one uses the default AI of GSX2 to make the space for the plane... the AI makes a lot of mistakes with this.
Jetways tested for different planes? not
Double jetways not.
Stop postions, not corrected.
Vehicles in default positions, not corrected.
I could swear that the dockings are not placed at all.

In other words, it is a gsx file, because it has the format of a GSX level 2.. but i can tell you 100% that they spent 20 minutes doing it.. i go through every parking, and it takes a good 3-4 minutes to do each.. parkings included.. so you make the numbers.. and is more, there is a very easy way to know if a file has been worked or not, believe it or not, the size of it.

Jetways are as per the real life, pushbacks are working fully correct as in real life, plane sizes are tested aswell, jetways were tested with different acfts like PMDG 737/747/777 and FSL, QW, etc., vehicles are in same position as in real life, the dockings are placed by the default scenery from XHT Labs, double jetwas are ONLY on stand where they should be. What else? :)
great! so it seems that is the one made for you.. not at all the one i downloaded from the developer.. you? i attach the one that i got given by the developer, can you confirm is the same you have?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 10:59:49 pm by cartayna »


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What were you given by developer? Do you mean XHT-Labs?


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What were you given by developer? Do you mean XHT-Labs?
didnt you say that the new scenery came with a gsx level 2 file?¿
well that is the one i was given.. is it the same that you say that was fully configurated? i atached it.