To be exact, stands 5x, 6x, 7x and apron south stands dont need pushback, acft on stands 1-31 push like this:

this pic says, stands 1 to 3 are pushed LEFT, 4 to 7 are pushed RIGHT, 9 to 13 are pushed to LEFT, 14 to 16 RIGHT, 17 to 21 LEFT, 22A is pushed on H (but this stand is not in AFCAD since it would collide with guys using AI Traffic; also counts for all other xxA or xxB stands), 22 to 31 are pushed RIGHT, SOMETIMES, acft from 23 are pushed straight to taxiway K.
Stand 8 is not present at LKPR.
So there are a few where the ATC has to tell you which way you are facing. Pk22, 23, 70,71,72,73,74,75.. in these, depending on which way you push, you can go to different runways. And I sincerely doubt the ATC on those spots will tell you to go nose to the left or right. Hey, you prefer the default, suit yourself.
You have to understand that this are free files, you seem to be the only one out of thousand that have downloaded the files that disagrees that they improve significantly the default AI. Also the criteria (Facing) is used for all sceneries that i do, since is what you find in 99% of the airports.. if i had to study the "particularities" of each airport regarding what a controller says on each stand would take years to acomplish doing 50 sceneries with all the improvements that i make .. Also, the information that gives you (e.g. facing NE..NR)
it does not mean that if the controller tells you just to pushback, and there is ONLY ONE pushback offered in my GSX file, then is irrelevant what direction I say, I am offering you just one pushback.. which indeed places the plane in the direction that GSX says. Default pushbacks in GSX, not only leaves you most of the times on the wrong place not aligned and even offering you 2 directions when you can only go one, sayin Nose to the left, when if the controller gives you any direction will be a NE, SW, etc.. Not in mine, those issues are solved. with a cost of 10h for scneries such as this and up to 40h for sceneries the size of EHAM, EGLL, KSFO.
Is this file then perfect? nope, but is 10 times better than the default. I guess if you look with a lens under the carpet you can allways find a dot of dust, ....