Author Topic: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing  (Read 2394 times)


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Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« on: November 22, 2018, 01:13:25 am »
I have finally been able to get the GSX Level 2 working however when the vans and buses pull up to board the crew and passengers, I get partial bodies, people with no heads, suitcases and backpacks only (no people). Buses and vans look like dune buggies, no textures at all. I updated the program just today, but I am still getting the results I described. I have attached a picture of what I am talking about.


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2018, 03:20:03 pm »
  Everything seems to show correctly in your image!

Craig Williams
I7 7700K OC to 4.8Ghz 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SD RAM GTX1060 6GB LIQ Cooled Win10 Home 64


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2018, 06:29:21 pm »
Hi Craig..if you look to the right of the staircase there is a red bag and a blue backpack people around those to objects.


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2018, 09:03:42 pm »
What a sneaky way to board a plane without a ticket!  LOL!
I do see it now.  I have had this problem at times with baggage trains.  Very often, particularly in high scenery areas, the trucks arrive but one of the middle carts is invisible.  Even deboarding sometimes, either a cart or a container is invisible.  I asked Umberto about this awhile back and he seemed to think that it is simconnect that gets overloaded with too many simuilataneous spawning requests.  No solution was offered other than to limit my frame rates.  I limited them to 36 fps but still occasionally have the issue.  I found that if I switch to top-down view and focus in on the item, it corrects.  With the new GSX v2 each individual person is spawned separately and this is more than simconnect has ever had to deal with before.  And if you (as I do) also have AI traffic spawning at the same time it is a case of overload for sure.  What tipped me off after your reply is that some of the people ARE visible therefore it is not a glitch in the program per se, but just a case of too much for our current setup to handle all at once.

I have a powerful machine and was getting over 100 fps at busy airports and Umberto thought the simconnect couldn't spawn fast enough to keep up with such frame rates.  Again, it was his theory, and I do think it has merit but other than the workaround I mentioned, no one has proffered a successful solution.  I don't think there is anything GSX programming can do other than reducing the animation and, of course, that would defeat the illusion.

Just an opinion based on my experience, for what it is worth.  If you come up with something that really works please post it for the rest of us.

Craig Williams
I7 7700K OC to 4.8Ghz 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SD RAM GTX1060 6GB LIQ Cooled Win10 Home 64


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2018, 11:14:05 am »
Missing parts of objects in FSX are usually caused by having applied undocumented tweaks on the FSX.CFG, see here for a suggested solution:,18316.msg127465.html#msg127465


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2018, 11:38:42 pm »
I must be stupid but where is the FSX.CFG file located. The link you sent me to mentions removing this file and then re-downloading GSX again. I have looked in the AddOn Manager folder and the FSX folder and it is not there.


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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2018, 12:41:33 am »
The FSX.CFG is located here, on FSX ( or FSX:Steam if no regular FSX is installed at the same time )


Instead, if you have both FSX and FSX:Steam, the FSX.CFG for FSX is in the above folder, while the one for FSX:Steam will be here:



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Re: Passengers, buses and other vehicles not appearing
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2018, 11:30:49 pm »
Thank You for your reply.. I may have solved the problem...instead of using the download link from FSPilot (where I bought the program), I went to the FSDream website and downloaded the installer from there. After reading about other issues on the forum, I figured I had nothing to lose so I installed GSX Level 2 from there. The program installed, I went to a flight that I had on the ground, asked for boarding and, everything showed up, the vans, buses, crew, passengers, etc. I haven't gone back to the program today, but hopefully it is fixed. If not, then I will try the FSX.CFG solution that was recommended above. Thanks again for your help.