I have some issues with Level 2 and the newest updates
1. When cleared after the engine start and when I start to taxi, all GSX vehicle and wingwalker just dissapears. I don´t know if this issue started with Level2 or with one of the latest updates but it dont look very realistic, better would be if they dissapear when the aircraft reaches a predefined distance rather than 1-3 knots
2. My user made logos for the catering trucks (DO & CO and SSP) don´t longer work after the latest update

3. The staircases don´t move up to the aircraft when catering is selected as they did before the last updates. I don´t know if this is a requested feature but I don´t like it. I want the staircases to move up to the aircraft when I start GSX and catering, for example: in a turnaround the staircases are already attached to the aircraft when the catering arrives, now with the latest updates the staircases stands beside the aircraft until I choose to board the passengers. Another example and with FS2CREW before I confirm to the flight attendant that it´s OK to board the passengers: The copilot informs me that he will go out and inspect the aircraft but since the airstairs are not attached to the aircraft, I think he will get hurt

Niclas Andersson