Author Topic: GSX Level 2  (Read 6251 times)


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GSX Level 2
« on: November 12, 2018, 01:35:32 am »
Astonishing! GSX keeps getting better and better with this version. Really enjoying it and appreciate the ease with which jetways can be added and things moved around.

I wonder if you would consider a future development that would add even more realism to GSX. At some airports like Melbourne (YMML) between Piers C and D and B and C aircraft get pushed back from the gate then all the way past the end of Pier C or B, then are turned with nose facing West at that position and they start engines there because of engine blast.

Is that type of pushback something you would consider for the future?



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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 01:32:49 pm »
Is that type of pushback something you would consider for the future?

This has always been possible since several years. Check the "Custom Pushback" customization option explained at pages 32-33 of the manual.

You'll have to check with ADE for the coordinates of an existing node that can be used as an attractor target for the custom pushback, and set its coordinates in the custom pushback fields in GSX, which can also have a custom label, since "Left" or "Right" won't have any meaning in that case.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 03:21:59 am »
OK. I will look that up and give it a try.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 03:13:53 pm »

i am also struggeling with that, as example in EDDF Gate C4.
Even, if the Direction in the setup is wrong ( left/right is opposite ) , but where to get the coordinates for the direction?
After installing another AFCAD Program i get the coordinates, to complicated for me, but i get the coordintes finally.
But after entering the Coordinates in the Textfields, GSX pushes me out "BACKWARDS" ( which is never done in real live)
and finishes the Pushback with my Nose in direction to Gate C4 ????
What is that ??
I tried many different coordinates, but all did not working.

My suggestion is a very much easyer way to set up the End Position.
In the "Better Pushback" Plugin ( freeware for X-Plane ) you can move a little Airplane before you start.
Can you program the Setup for a Special Pushback , for Positions like C4 in EDDF, in a way like Better Pushback is doing that?

That way is very easy to use and much much better, the first struggeling to get the correct coordinates nd so on and then
ending up with the Nose in the wrong Direction.

That would be much much better then you actual way.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2018, 03:18:07 pm »
Even, if the Direction in the setup is wrong ( left/right is opposite )

What do you mean "the setup is wrong" ? You mean the left/right directions as programmed in the scenery ? Or in GSX ? Are you aware that GSX "Left" means "Nose Right/Tail Left" ?

but where to get the coordinates for the direction?

From ADE, for example, as explained in the manual. They must be the coordinates of an EXISTING node in the scenery.

After installing another AFCAD Program i get the coordinates, to complicated for me, but i get the coordintes finally.

Which were ?

But after entering the Coordinates in the Textfields, GSX pushes me out "BACKWARDS" ( which is never done in real live) and finishes the Pushback with my Nose in direction to Gate C4 ????

Please clarify were you wanted to be push back. I tried the default Left position, without any customization, and it ended up in a very reasonable position, with the nose aligned to the N3 taxipath, in the direction of the exit, which is quite good.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2018, 12:25:54 pm »
I found a much easyer example at EDDP gates 401/402 , 421/422 and so on. Here you will be pushed on the Street and also it is not possible to be pushed on the Orange / Blue Line, which is always done in EDDP every night.
But lets stay at EDDF Gate C4

What do you mean "the setup is wrong" ? You mean the left/right directions as programmed in the scenery ? Or in GSX ? Are you aware that GSX "Left" means "Nose Right/Tail Left" ?

Left in gsx pushes me with the Tail to the left. For a pushback direction is always the Nose direction taken, never the tail.
So it was better if the default directions in the STRG+F12 Dialog in Flightsim should be only "Nose right" or "Nose Left". The default text at the moment is very complicated: Just change form "Nose Right/Tail Left (LEFT)" to "Nose left" and "Nose right"

That is also all , what the Captain say to you before the Pushback.
He calls you "Ready for Pusback <<Nose to the LEFT/RIGHT >> " and that is all what he say to you.

From ADE, for example, as explained in the manual. They must be the coordinates of an EXISTING node in the scenery.

as i wrote , very too much complicate. it should not be need to install another program to get the coordinates.

Which were ?

which program you mean?
It makes no difference, but it is ADE.

Please clarify were you wanted to be push back. I tried the default Left position, without any customization, and it ended up in a very reasonable position, with the nose aligned to the N3 taxipath, in the direction of the exit, which is quite good.

During the pushback i was pushed into the wall ( at the Pic_2 the big red line ) and i end up like in Pic_3.
But i should end up like i moved the Airplane in Pic_4.

How is that to be done....very complicated.
First try to find the coordinates for the ending Position. But Coordinates re only a POINT, not a Vector ( which can give a direction for the ending position ... we need the direction of the airplan or not ?? )
But ok, lets find the coordinates in ADE...Pic_5
We see first , it is not exactly .. the Airplane is slightly left. But the Manual says here "You must not be very precise with the coordinates for the ending position". So we take the coordinates displayed in ADE: 50.049183224 and 8.575832868 and put these in the FS Setup for this Position...see Pic_6.

Ok, here we go, Apply, reload the Airport cache...pushback to the "Left" again....( even now I DONT WANT TO START THE ENGINES ... ).

He pushes me back...but .. hehe "Set Paring brakes "??? we are not t the ending coordinates ( we end up at the same position like in Pic_3)... what is wrong here ???
Hello little pushback ... Tow me forward until the desired ending Position, ok. Parking brakes set.

My proposel is to make it like in Better Pushback.. Just add a option in the Position setup to set points for the pushback idirectly in the sim.
Lets call it" Pushback setup". ( Pic_new_1 )
After activating that in the GSX Position setup, you can move a little Airplane directly in the Sim and define Points for the Pushback.
These are saved for the Airport Position and use for the CORRECT Pushback procedure.
So just move the little plane in FS, press "save position " ( Pic_new_2 ) then move it to the next Position and save these Position again ( Pic_new_3 )
The last saved Position ist the End Position for the Pushback.
With this procedure , we as users can be sure the Pushback is done exactly as WE want and we must not HOPE that the Pushback is done like we want.
We have a direct control of what the Pushack is doing.

BTW: as is ask, can you make it possible to disable the stupid question if i want to start the engines during the Pushback?
Also the always asking for the Pushback provider is not needed. So if you can put just a little checkbox in the GSX Setup for disabling such messages for those who dont want to be ask at every pushback.
That would be a little step forward and should not be soo hard to implement.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2018, 03:45:32 pm »
Left in gsx pushes me with the Tail to the left. For a pushback direction is always the Nose direction taken, never the tail.

That's just a NAMING convention. Which is why GSX calls the pushback with the full denomination "Left (Nose Right/Tail Left)", to make it clear what Left means in GSX.

Which of course, is the SAME meaning as in the simulator default Shift-P Pushback:

Shift + P and then 1 means "Left Pushback" and will end up with the Nose Right and Tail Left.
Shift + P and then 2 means "Right Pushback" and will end up with the Nose Left and Tail Right.

Since there are thousands of sceneries that has been designed with the Pushback Left/Right preference using the simulator own convention, it would be wrong if we reversed the logic in GSX, which is supposed to use the same preference to do an automatic pushback.

So it was better if the default directions in the STRG+F12 Dialog in Flightsim should be only "Nose right" or "Nose Left". The default text at the moment is very complicated: Just change form "Nose Right/Tail Left (LEFT)" to "Nose left" and "Nose right"

Which is why, GSX allows you to change that text whenever you like.

as i wrote , very too much complicate. it should not be need to install another program to get the coordinates.

Then just don't do a custom pushback...

During the pushback i was pushed into the wall ( at the Pic_2 the big red line ) and i end up like in Pic_3.

That's what I call a reasonable position, for an automatic pushback in that place, which is exactly the case the GSX manual suggest you should do a custom pushback to begin with.

But i should end up like i moved the Airplane in Pic_4.

You cannot do that with GSX, because it would require the ability to do a Push then a Pull. This is planned for an update and, of course, with that ability, it will come an easier to use waypoint editor.

First try to find the coordinates for the ending Position. But Coordinates re only a POINT, not a Vector ( which can give a direction for the ending position ... we need the direction of the airplan or not ?? )

That's because GSX is way smarted than you think it is (yes, it doesn't do pulls, but it does push very well). It doesn't need a vector, because what GSX does with the points it has, which are your starting parking and your end node, is to FIT A CURVE, which will pass through these points AND will try to stay on the apron lines AND will end up with your airplane lined up with them.

We see first , it is not exactly .. the Airplane is slightly left. But the Manual says here "You must not be very precise with the coordinates for the ending position". So we take the coordinates displayed in ADE: 50.049183224 and 8.575832868 and put these in the FS Setup for this Position...see Pic_6.

That doesn't mean you can just set any coordinates you like. The coordinates will only be used to find an EXISTING node. You don't have to be 100% precise but, the end result will STILL be a node so, if you are not precise enough, it won't find any node and will revert back to the default strategy. In order to find a node, your coordinates must be within 5 meters of an existing node. If they aren't, the custom pushback will be ignored.

This means, if you really wanted a short pushback, aligned for exiting the taxiway, the node should have been this one:

With the following coordinates:


Which results in this final position:

Yes, it's not ideal, but it's the closest to what you wanted to achieve, considering GSX cannot do Pulls (yet).

BTW: as is ask, can you make it possible to disable the stupid question if i want to start the engines during the Pushback?

Stop calling that question "stupid". It was added following USER'S REQUEST, because some airplanes (those that don't have an APU, usually) requires to start one engine before pushback. What are you supposed to do, for example, if you want pushback, but have an APU failure ?


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2018, 05:47:05 pm »
Then just don't do a custom pushback...

Nise, userfriendly Answer !

..and then you say ...

That's what I call a reasonable position, for an automatic pushback in that place, which is exactly the case the GSX manual suggest you should do a custom pushback to begin with.

First you say i should then not use a custom Pushback and in your next Answer you say that is a Position to start with a custom Pushback ??
What a logic ??

The acual set up for a custom Pushback is absolutly not usefull.
I think, i am not the only one who hopes for a very much better ( i supposed ) to setup the ending position.

Left/Right... Yes , i can change this wrong sentence, but i must do that for every position !!
Why should i do such a havy work to change such a wrong sentence you put into the GSX??
I think that is in your responsibility to change that.
Just because it tís the same like the FS is doing means not that this is correct like in real world.

Stop calling that question "stupid". It was added following USER'S REQUEST, because some airplanes (those that don't have an APU, usually) requires to start one engine before pushback. What are you supposed to do, for example, if you want pushback, but have an APU failure ?

It is like it is and i can only say the truth.
But a good compromiss would be if you make it selectable for every user in the GSX setup.
So every user can decide, if he/she wants to have this .... question or not.
That i would call "userfriendly" and not like it is now, that i must answer this .... question during every pushback.
I will never need that.


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Re: GSX Level 2
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2018, 12:37:26 am »
First you say i should then not use a custom Pushback and in your next Answer you say that is a Position to start with a custom Pushback ?? What a logic ??

?? the logic is obvious. You complained about the custom pushback being too difficult for you, then just not do it. But for THAT parking, you MUST do a custom pushback, and this is true regardless if you find it difficult or not. Logic.

The acual set up for a custom Pushback is absolutly not usefull.

It is what it is now.

I think, i am not the only one who hopes for a very much better ( i supposed ) to setup the ending position.

We confirmed so many times already the pushback will be entirely rewamped, and this will include a visual editor of waypoints.

Left/Right... Yes , i can change this wrong sentence, but i must do that for every position !!

It's not wrong.

Why should i do such a havy work to change such a wrong sentence you put into the GSX??

Because the sentence is not obviously wrong, since it describes accurately what the end position of the airplane will be. Wrong would be if the pushback made the opposite of what the label is saying.

It is like it is and i can only say the truth.

You haven't said "the truth". You only said your own personal opinion, which is that question, which has been asked by fellow users, is annoying you. So, it's an opinion that differs by users, not "the truth".

But a good compromiss would be if you make it selectable for every user in the GSX setup. So every user can decide, if he/she wants to have this .... question or not.

As I already clearly explained, a global option is wrong, because if you use an aircraft that ALWAYS requires it, you'll have to do extra work to change the setting, if it's not matching the aircraft so no, the best solution, is as I've said: being an aircraft option instead.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 12:40:41 am by virtuali »