Hello FSDT Staff.
First of all i'd like to say that i bought GSX without even trying the demo. It looked so great and well thought in the videos and reviews i saw, that it was a no-brainer for me.
I created a lot of configs over the last 2 days for a few SkySpirit and TDS planes, especially for the various 757 models. And those models are the reason for my request.
The 757 from TDS comes with nearly all available exterior models that are flying around. So we do have PAX&Cargo together in the -M,-PCC and -SC models.
It would be great to specify the station load for the cargo and baggage area as well as the number off passengers on the plane. Maybe even the number of containers or pallets in the main cargo area.
With the station load divided by 220lbs logic the 757-200M has a passenger count of 317. That is way to much for that plane. If you don't want to enter those numbers during the set-up of the plane, the normal logic could still do it's magic as a fallback function.
I know that what i'm asking for is pretty special and might only be suitable for a freeware dev in first sight but i think it can enhance the simulation for all planes from many different devs.
Again thanks to all the devs for such a great product and the continuous updates.