Some very nice improvements to GSX recently, thanks a lot for these!
Now that we can have several services simultaneously I still miss a complete hands-off option for GSX.
There would only be one command like "All Services" and GSX would connect the (SODE) jetway, deliver simultaneously Catering, Refueling and Boarding, with no further user input:
- no need to select each service individually
- no need to select a ground handling company: always the "default" choice would be selected automatically.
- no need to select one or several jetways: always the jetway to the default door #1 would be selected automatically.
- no need to open and close doors: GSX would do its job regardless of doors opened or not. Do give the message to open / close doors so that weird walking through closed doors can be avoided, but GSX should not stop for it (mostly I don't care because I am inside the cockpit and only see the vehicles from my cockpit windows).
- no need to refuel the aircraft, be it with the default interface or an aircraft specific procedure: GSX would just visually show the fuel service without interfering with the actual fuel load of the aircraft at all (I always initially load my aircraft with the correct amount of fuel and don't want to be bothered with it later on)
- no need to enter the number of passengers (already possible now).
Thanks for considering.