Capt Sim B727 FSX SP2 YMHB at stand 12 default AFCAD. After full preflight, fuel load, crew and passenger load, requesting push/departure is acknowledged: "departure clearance requested" and then nothing. No action nor further message. Position is set to pushback: "both" setting. Pushback truck and all appear as they should prior to pushback but nothing happens. I kept pushing the request in GSX and one time it came back saying: "handled by Virgin Australia" but then again nothing happened. The option to select departure continues to appear in the menu (CTL-F12) and it is acknowledged each time I select it. Checked the forum and can't find a similar problem addressed.
The log file shows:
Error: exception DATA_ERROR in call SetDataOnSimObject param #1 '124294432'
{'Airport': 'YMHB', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 12', 'User Pos': (-42.83759168296309, 147.50651942387458, 7.38178 m, 3.41978 m, 222.9407970498834)}
Is this just a random glitch or is this indicating a wrong setting or problem with the AFCAD. I have used this AFCAD and position before with GSX1 and never had an issue.
It seems I have no other choice but to restart FSX and try everything again. Any ideas as to the cause?