I HAD DONE what you asked.
No, you haven't. You never told me the height from ground until now. You only posted your GSX.CFG file which, as I've said, makes it difficult for me to calculate the height from ground, without knowing the airplane center of mass. That's why I asked to read the height from the editor and report it.
May I remind that the question was just if the doors are of the same height and not what exactly that height is?
That was my first question. If I asked the height in addition of the height difference, it's because I needed it, since some stairs cannot reach some heights and, there's a limitation in GSX that door 1 and door 2 must share the same animation variables but, if they got different models, not both models might be able to reach that height.
That's why I asked for the height, in addition to asking if they were lined up.
In the meanwhile, I set all height values of service and passenger doors to 5.20 anyway.
Now, you finally said the height, which is fact confirms the problem was that not all stairs can reach it and, if you got two different models (they are chosen randomly), because of the limitation I explained, one of them seems to not reach the door, because the must share the same variables.
However, with 5.20 meters, there's only one model that can be used. If the staircase model it's the same, and the door height it's the same, it's not possible they won't be lined up at the same height. Do you recall if two different models were used instead ?