Author Topic: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible  (Read 16141 times)


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Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« on: October 24, 2018, 10:48:08 pm »
Rename the following files (.bgl to .OFF) to exclude default jetways:

Place the '000_OOMS_GSX_JWEXCL.XML' file in: \FSDT Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\Exclude
Place the 'ooms-xujqjb.INI' file in: C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX

This will give you the following:
1. SODE jetways in place of all static jetways in the scenery
2. Correct airline assignment codes

If you download the alternate AFCAD linked above, it will give you the following:
1. Correct ILS frequency, type and TDZ
2. Correct airport elevation
3. Correct Royal Air Force parking and codes
4. Old Terminal parking changed to only allow Royal Oman Police and Air Force
5. Removed ILS/DME signals from RWY08R/26L according to real world current layout
6. Taxiway centerline lighting
7. Taxiway designators for better AI usage
8. Stands 600-606, 651 and 652

Massive thanks to Mahmoud A. Fadli for his help with the scenery.

*The AFCAD might be updated with the following modifications at a future date:
1. Better apron lighting (provided the new lighting is not performance intensive)

EDIT: I've tried contacting the developer but I didn't receive any response, nor is the scenery available anymore (don't know why). As I am tied up with moving to a new house, I rarely visit the forums. My sincere apologies to everyone that sent me DMs, I've responded to as many as I could today. I'm editing this post and leaving a direct link above so it's easier for you all to access it while I'm away. Thanks for stopping by!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 11:57:51 am by karank »


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2018, 11:10:29 pm »
*Be sure to open the INI file and change the 'afcad_path =' to wherever you have the scenery installed, else GSX may not recognize the file.*

No need to do that. As explained at Page 36 of the GSX manual:

The AFCAD pathname contained in the .INI file is not mandatory: if no file with that name is found in the full path, any other AFCAD in FSX matching the name only will be used instead, regardless of where it’s actually installed.

The .INI files have been designed to be shared, with no modifications.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2018, 12:24:24 am »
Cheers, will remove those instructions in future release topics.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 10:30:02 am by virtuali »


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2018, 10:31:41 am »
Cheers, will remove those instructions in future release topics.

Another question: I see you shared a modified AFCAD and this is a commercial scenery. Do you have the author permission to share a modified version of their AFCAD ?

Since attached files are hosted on our forum, I'll have to disable the download until you can clear up this issue, before anyone might eventually complain to us for having hosted it.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2018, 01:18:19 pm »
Cheers, will remove those instructions in future release topics.

Another question: I see you shared a modified AFCAD and this is a commercial scenery. Do you have the author permission to share a modified version of their AFCAD ?

Since attached files are hosted on our forum, I'll have to disable the download until you can clear up this issue, before anyone might eventually complain to us for having hosted it.

No, I do not have permission from the developer. I'll host them privately then and users can PM me for a direct link if that's okay with you.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2018, 04:03:10 pm »
No, I do not have permission from the developer. I'll host them privately then and users can PM me for a direct link if that's okay with you.

Yes, but I still think it would be best if you obtained permission from the developer. Maybe they could just add your modified .BGL as an alternate configuration for GSX use.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2018, 10:42:42 pm »
I just tried this, and followed the instructions, but no jetways are showing in my scenery. I'm using P3Dv4. This is what I did:

1) Rename the gate files (gateA1 to gateC2) from .bgl to .off
2) Copy 000_OOMS_GSX_JWEXCL.XML to C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\Exclude
3) Copy OOMS-XUJQJB.ini to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX

Doing this should give me SODE jetways correct? But no jetways show up at the gate.

Then I went to the GSX Control Panel and made sure that the 000_OOMS_GSX_JWEXCL.XML was exluded and compiled. But still no jetways show.

I also tried disabling, and then enabling the scenery, but still no SODE jetways.

Not sure what I did wrong.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2018, 01:33:18 pm »
Doing this should give me SODE jetways correct? But no jetways show up at the gate.

If you bought GSX Level 2, of course.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2018, 07:37:06 pm »
Yes, I have GSX Level 2.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2018, 04:43:59 pm »
1) Rename the gate files (gateA1 to gateC2) from .bgl to .off

Try rebuilding the airport cache from the Couatl settings menu, this might be required when sceneries are renamed.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2018, 09:14:28 pm »
I tried rebuilding the cache. It took 55 seconds, then nothing. I also tried reloading the sim after that, but still no jetways. :/


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2018, 11:29:50 am »
I tried rebuilding the cache. It took 55 seconds, then nothing.

"nothing" is strange. You either got a message saying the cache regeneration completed successfully, or a message saying the cache rebuild was a failure.

"nothing" looks like you have a corrupted .BGL file somewhere, one that might cause the program to crash, because it's corrupted. Or, possibly, the usual antivirus interference, which is hard-blocking the program from accessing the .BGL file, just because the antivirus thought it was smart to do that...

Try to configure the antivirus to exclude the whole simulator folder and, if you have sceneries installed outside the simulator, add their folders to the antivirus exclusion list as well. Don't worry, you cannot catch virus from sceneries, and disabling all their folders will result in the sim starting up faster, and GSX rebuilding the cache *much* faster as well.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2018, 10:51:00 pm »
No I mean it said cache rebuilt successfully in 55 seconds. By nothing I meant that no jetways appeared after that.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2018, 02:54:17 pm »
If anyone is having this issue as well, here is how I managed to fix it:

I loaded the airport, and start editing a parking spot. After saving the changes, I went back to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX and saw a newly created ooms-RANDOMLETTERS.ini file. I then opened the ooms-xujqjb.INI file provided here, and copied its contents into the newly created .ini and now all the jetways are showing up.

The only difference I could find was the first line of each ini. The ini provided here pointed to a "OOMS_ADEX_ADE.bgl" file, while ini created by GSX pointed to a "AFX_OOMSP3D.bgl". That might have been the reason. I can only guess.

I'm assuming OP was using the FSX version, while I was using the P3D release of the airport, which uses a different BGL file.


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Re: Armi Project Muscat Intl OOMS GSX L2 Compatible
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2018, 03:07:18 pm »
The only difference I could find was the first line of each ini. The ini provided here pointed to a "OOMS_ADEX_ADE.bgl" file, while ini created by GSX pointed to a "AFX_OOMSP3D.bgl". That might have been the reason. I can only guess.

Of course it is.

Each .INI file is tied to a specific AFCAD name, the one used by whoever made the .INI configuration to begin with. An .INI will be loaded only if the AFCAD name in the .INI matches the one currently in use in the sim.

This in order to allow multiple .INI files for the same airports, with the correct one always being loaded.

If we didn't do this, you could (for example), load an .INI made for a default airports when you have a 3rd party airport loaded, surely causing a big mess of mismatched gates and jetways.