Author Topic: Docking system at KATL  (Read 3061 times)


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Docking system at KATL
« on: October 07, 2018, 09:26:59 pm »
Does anybody know what kind docking system that is used at KATL? I know that on concourses T thru E they use wall mounted systems except on the end of Concourse C where they are marshalled in (CRJs parking) and on F, gates F1 and F2 have stand mounted guidance systems, and maybe a couple on Concourse C and D. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.


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Re: Docking system at KATL
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2018, 08:34:32 am »
It's a unique docking system to only KATL and is called Delta-Park assisted docking mechanism.

It seems it's almost a combination of 2 docking systems already available on GSX. I forget the names right now, but there is 1 where you want the posts to be lined up, but then there are the digital ones. The real one is not modeled in GSX, and it should't be since it is only used at KATL. If FSDT does a KATL scenery, I'm sure it will be there, but not as a global option.