Great stuff going on with GSX, but is it the best product for the average simmer?
Pilots don't call catering trucks, open and close doors for services etc etc. I am really thinking that many people will agree it would be fantastic to have the eye-candy you offer in GSX- (now with amazing pax etc)- but done on an automatic basis.
One initial set-up page for the flight (stating push-back direction, operator choices, jetty y/n etc and Departure time). The Departure time then drives the services. Catering/ fueling etc come and go- don't worry about if the aircraft doors are open or not. Board at departure -15, remove the jetty -5, push-back crew call flightdeck at -5 etc.
From the flight crew point of view it's more realistic (even if catering through a closed door!).
I think such a bolt-on will interest a lot of people that wouldn't want to be bothered with the menus of GSX.
For that reason I only use GSX for pushback. It would be so cool to see the rest happening around me and give a real build up to a departure.