Author Topic: some jetways don't show  (Read 7313 times)


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some jetways don't show
« on: September 28, 2018, 01:36:50 pm »
For newest update in GSX 2

Mostly finding this with the jetways marked with "Higher" in the title. They show up when selected and applied in the Customization but when you click on "Customize Jetways" the jetway disappears leaving the Bridge and visual options (ground markings, AC Unit, Power Unit). If you select the jetway in customization and apply, the jetway will show up but as soon as you try to animate it, it disappears again.

Exiting from customization mode, the jetways show up again, but outside customization mode when animated, they disappear and do not reappear at the end of animations (attach or detach)
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 01:40:04 pm by DVA12924 »


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2018, 02:18:57 pm »
Tried it now, and cannot replicate the problem:

- Be sure to configure the antivirus to exclude the Addon Manager folder from scanning

- Run the FSDT Live Update again.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2018, 02:35:57 pm »
antivirus exclusion is not the issue. That was done since GSX was first installed. It is only the 3 gates that show "Higher" in the titles. They show up except when in customization mode or when animating. All other gates and all other vehicles work fine.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2018, 02:40:05 pm »
I suggested two things: configuring the antivirus and running the Live Update. Have you done both ?

Sometimes it takes a whole for your local update server to catch up with updated files, so you might simply try again later and the latest files will eventually arrive.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2018, 05:09:11 pm »
Yes, I did both. More than once. Still the same issue.

Also, just found the JBT Aerotech AT3 jetways will not work with the PMDG 747 "Jetway unavailable at this location" but if I change it to another jetway type, it works fine with no other adjustments or changes.

This is not something that my antivirus is blocking ... my antivirus has no impact on jetways disappearing only in animation/customize mode and other jetways not working with specifically 1 type of aircraft.

You've got a great product, but I haven't spent 20 years in the flight sim community to do something like not set antivirus exclusions for addons. That was set for Addon Manager immediately after installation of the original GSX and again verified after installation of GSX 2 (yes, before you ask, antivirus was turned off in installation of the original AND for GSX 2). The issues I am having did not come about until after I installed the latest update. Prior to that I was able to use the JBT Aerotech AT3 with the PMDG 747 with absolutely no issues at all.

I've managed to do work-arounds for the problems I have said I'm having (selected a different type of jetway for Heavy gates so they will work, not put jetways where I would need to "Higher" to match the scenery objects height since were for smaller regionals anyway), however it would be nice to have a fully functional product.

If you'd like to continue blaming my antivirus, you are free to do so. But logic will argue that if an antivirus exclusion is and has been set and something worked before an update and does not work after the update, then the update is the culprit.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2018, 05:11:24 pm »
Yes, I did both. More than once. Still the same issue.

Have you done it after I posted ?

If you'd like to continue blaming my antivirus, you are free to do so.

You still don't understand: the antivirus was ONE of the TWO possible causes. The other, as I explained in my last post, was this:

"Sometimes it takes a whole for your local update server to catch up with updated files, so you might simply try again later and the latest files will eventually arrive"

That's why I asked to just try Live Update again.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2018, 05:14:18 pm »
Oh dear God

Ok, Ill say it again: Yes, I did both. More than once. Still the same issue.

Next suggestion?


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2018, 05:15:04 pm »
Ok, Ill say it again: Yes, I did both. More than once. Still the same issue.

Again: Have you done it AFTER I posted ?


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2018, 05:19:21 pm »
Did you make any changes in the update that would require me to have to run the update again for the 5th time in the past hour?


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2018, 05:20:54 pm »
Did you make any changes in the update that would require me to have to run the update again for the 5th time in the past hour?

Not to that a file that might affect your problem but, as I've posted already twice:

Sometimes it takes a while for your local update server to catch up with updated files, so you might simply try again later and the latest files will eventually arrive
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:29:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2018, 05:27:33 pm »
A whole what? A whole new product that fully works? A whole year? a whole new computer? I can go on ... a whole what?

I said time and time again: antivirus exclusions have been set and checked. Update has been run more that 5 times since antivirus exclusions were checked. The problem still is there. Stop telling me "Sometimes it takes a whole for your local update server to catch up with updated files" because that is solving the problem. And no, the problem is NOT antivirus exclusions or needing to run the update time and time again.

You are so sure in every single post you make on any thread that you have not in any way ever made a mistake. But you are telling me that if I keep doing the same thing over and over eventually it will work. That is so far from wrong. Einstein said "The very definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results."


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2018, 05:36:24 pm »
A whole what? A whole new product that fully works? A whole year? a whole new computer? I can go on ... a whole what?

It was a TYPO ( the I is close to the O on the keyboard ), I meant it might take A WHILE. Not on year, of course, usually in a few hours all servers should be updated.

I said time and time again: antivirus exclusions have been set and checked.

Ok, so it's not the antivirus, then it must the 2ND possible cause. The one I keep posting over and over: your local live update server not updated yet.

Update has been run more that 5 times since antivirus exclusions were checked. The problem still is there.

Again: have you done it AFTER I posted about this ? Like NOW ?

You are so sure in every single post you make on any thread that you have not in any way ever made a mistake.

?? I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but, I assure you I would like to have more control on the time the whole Cloudflare server networks updates, but I simply don't. What this has ANYTHING to do with mistakes ?

But you are telling me that if I keep doing the same thing over and over eventually it will work. That is so far from wrong. Einstein said "The very definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results."

This sentence could seem smart, if only wasn't based on the wrong premise: you are assuming that everybody that runs Live Update will get the updated files at the same time. That would make sense only if the Live Update server was a single one.

There are *hundreds* of them, Cloudflare has servers in 120 cities around the world, to accelerate the download by offering users a server closest to each user location. THAT'S why I keep repeating to just try again.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2018, 06:01:13 pm »
I don't have anything to do with what servers are used.

That being said, when an update comes out and I am notified of it, I install the update. If I find something not working since the update, I report it to the developer (you). If the servers are not keeping up with the demand, then simply and CLEARLY state that rather than pointing blame to the user who sent you money to use your product. I don't know about your servers, but I have never owned a single product that I had to run an installer for multiple times over the course of a few hours to be sure that I got the full update. Perhaps you should be directing your anger toward the servers rather than your paying customers who are pointing out issues and problems trying to get solutions. If you pay for the server access and they are not providing you what you pay for then you would say something. That is exactly what I am doing here with you!

In all the documentation I have read that came with GSX and FSDT Live update, I have yet to see any mention of "it could take many hours after an update is released to receive all the updated files". Am I supposed to just keep running the update every few hours for all eternity to be sure I have the full update for any update released? Do I get notified when the missing update files are actually ready for me to run Live Update? In all honesty, seems like a pretty big pain to have to keep running an update on the off chance a file finally showed up. Am I even missing a file that was updated? No one knows! All other updates I get from other programs and addons come as a single ready to use package and I don't have to run the update over and over and over again. I didn't pay a total of $63 USD to do nothing but keep executing Live Update to get the files for an update I was told by the program was ready.

Anyway, I have to go to sleep and then to work. So the servers will have PLENTY of time to receive the missing files ... just hope they show up this time.


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2018, 06:13:50 pm »
I don't have anything to do with what servers are used.

I never said you have.

That being said, when an update comes out and I am notified of it, I install the update. If I find something not working since the update, I report it to the developer (you). If the servers are not keeping up with the demand, then simply and CLEARLY state that rather than pointing blame to the user who sent you money to use your product.

What "blame" ?? I'm just telling you to try again. Nobody "blamed" anybody.

Perhaps you should be directing your anger toward the servers rather than your paying customers

What "anger" ? I don't see any, other then in your replies, which I can only assume must be due to some kind of misunderstanding of what I'm trying to tell you.

In all the documentation I have read that came with GSX and FSDT Live update, I have yet to see any mention of "it could take many hours after an update is released to receive all the updated files".

Because it usually takes way less, so it's not worth mentioning.

This happens because, instead of having thousands of users all on the same server (this would result in everybody getting the latest files at the same time ), which would collapse and being unusable each time we release an upgrade, which use an additional network of servers to make the upgrade fast for everybody. Which has the side-effect of being slower to distribute files to all servers around the world.

It's exactly the same when a website change servers: it can take from 1 hour to 24 hours for ALL users around the world to see the new site, because of the different time each DNS server around the world refreshes.

Of course, if instead of fixing everything as soon it's reported and put it on Live Update immediately, we waited a week between each patch, nobody would notice any lag in the Live Update...


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Re: some jetways don't show
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2018, 11:59:09 am »
Now been over 48 hours and I've run the update installer more than 15 times (last time was 17 minutes ago). I am still having issues with certain items. Now the issues is if I add a 2nd jetway using JBT Aerotech AT3 Three-tunnel Crystal, they will not recognize door L2 on the PMDG 777 (test and setting for heavy spots). However, if I leave everything exactly as is, but change Jetway 2 to ThyssenKrupp Apron drive Three-tunnel Crystal, it works perfectly fine. - JBT Aerotech AT3 Three-tunnel Crystal - ThyssenKrupp Apron drive Three-tunnel Crystal

You said before it could take up to 24 hours for the servers to get all the files, but after 48 hours I'm still having random issues that did not happen before the update was released. As you can see in the 2 screenshots, the only change made was the Jetway type. No other adjustments at all were made. I've tried with longer and shorter jetways thinking it was the length but regardless, of where I put Jetway 2, it will never resolve to any door.

With this particular parking space, I need to use the JBT jetways because the sit a bit lower and the top doesn't stick out of the terminal scenery like the ThyssenKrupp does (as you can see in the 2nd screenshot).

And just to test and see, I moved a Jetway 2 JBT version to there the head was exactly over Jetway 1 JBT version and still it will not resolve to any door. So it is for sure not a placement or Jetway size issue. Jetway 1 will work with JBT version, just not Jetway 2.

Edit - After closing the sim, rerunning the update installer and reloading the sim to the exact same spot, no longer does Jetway 1 as JBT version resolve to any door. Seems every time I run the installer, I lose something else rather than gain anything.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 12:10:20 pm by DVA12924 »