Seeing as FSDT have not been able to release a config for CYVR yet, I decided to create my own stop gap measures. It has a few issues, some of which I could possibly fix if I figured what's causing them, and some of which can only be addressed by an FSDT update to CYVR, but I feel this does the trick in the mean time:
- I cannot tell if CYVR uses JBM Glass jetways, or Thysen Krupp. As such, I have added a mix, jetways that appear to use the TK jetways have TK, and jetways that appear to have JBM have JBM. Of course, I may be completely mistaken, and if you have information please correct me.
- JBM Glass jetways do not connect to 747s. I cannot for the life of me figure what is causing this. I have moved the jetways in every possible place, adjusted ever possible parameter, and still I cannot get them to match up. If this is something that matters a lot to you, you can use the corrugated model of jetway, or the TK model (Or if you so desire, remove the jetway exclusion for your selected gate). If you figure out what I was doing wrong, please let me know! Also let me know the gate number that you got it working on.
-Only One jetway is animated on double jetway gates. It appears that on FSDT scenery, static jetways are part of the airport model. As such, jetway exclusions can't really do anything. No matter, they are sure to be animated with the update
-JBM Jetways don't line up with the pier. This is something I can't fix as due to SODE limitations, we can't adjust the height of the jetways.
That's pretty much it. Do tell me how it works for you, and if you have any improvements to suggest feel free to! This has been a very fun little project for me. Enjoy