That's strange, because in my old Afcad the A15 was registered.
In the realife the are using A03/05/07/09/49/11/13/15/17/57 for A32X and CS100/300
No possibility to change it?
If I open A15, I have to close A53, because the wings of the ai traffic are in each other.
In Real Ops, both are open yes, but not on the same time..
I n the normal operations the parking positions A 03, 05, 07, 09, 49, 11, 13, 15, 17, 57 and A 42, 44, 02, 04, 48, 08, 10 are open (almost all with broken lines). The other configuration is only for longhaul aircrafts. And since this is a schengen gate, longhaul aircrafts are rare at the A gates (yes I know, in the summerseason there are somtimes a330 and a340 on this positions for shorthaul flights).
Now you have to decide wich configuration you want. And at the B-Dock is the same.