Author Topic: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2  (Read 10386 times)


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Re: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2018, 12:26:33 am »
Both coautl and EZDOK rely on Simconnect when I load the sim in JFK. I don't understand why it's JFK and not, let's say KLAX or FB KSFO (just tested it)
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2018, 02:43:06 am »
spent 5 hours installing, reinstalling, disabling, checking AV exclusions, repairing luck. FSDT JFKv2.5 isn't not showing up in the sim. Period
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2018, 03:30:47 am »
Just did the final test with FSLabs and FSSpotlight both disabled (FSLabs is activated/de-activated via Add-One method) and once I loaded a scenario at KJFK, the sim crashed immediately with coautl.exe as a faulting module. Also. I have tested some other airports, such as MK LPPT and SW LEBL and also got P3D crashed with couatl as a module to blame for. On the other hand, FT CYYZ and FSDT new KLAX works flawlessly. It seems like FSLabs/Spotlight somehow allowed me to overpass the error, but eventually I still ran into the issue from a different direction.

Now, it appears that my couatl.exe is damaged, I'm wondering what should I do in order to fix it.

i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2018, 01:32:09 pm »
More Updates - seems like it's major Simconnect issue. In specific locations, such as JFK, LEBL, LPPT all the add-ones that rely on Simconnect (FSDT, AS2016, PMDG, EZDOK) stop working. I will be trying to reinstall Client and COntent one-by-one
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.


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Re: String of issues with JFKv2.5 after installing GSXL2
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2018, 07:32:33 pm »

Please read the topic, this is exactly the same problem i ran into. Deletion of the file in question and its eventual regeneration solved the problem with Simconnect. It seems like random issue caused by LM and not by any other add-one. Should be sticky or added to the knowledge base
i7-6700k@4.6Ghz, Z170 Delux, 980Ti-6GB5700, 2TB EVO850, 16GB DDR4 RAM Win7/64 PRO.