I wouldn't mind a Jamaican airport, but I really hope they stay with the mainland part of the US or Europe. As much as I love FSDT sceneries I wouldn't buy a PANC or a PHNL just because they are so far from either Europe or the US that I wouldn't be able to complete a flight between say KSEA and PANC or PHNL and KLAX/Europe in a reasonable amount of time. Although with PHNL you could use it for hops between islands, but PANC just seems to isolated to make it of any interest to me
Even though a lot of developers say people buy what they know or have flown to in real life, I tend to buy sceneries in other areas I haven't been to, as long as their is something interesting to see along the way or another decent size hub is within a reasonable distance to do a flight.
Although I wouldn't buy a PANC or PHNL, if I was going to buy one I would get the PHNL so I could island hop.
My wishes:
KPDX - Needs to be done for FSX since the other guys did it for FS9