After installing GSX level 2 I can - when on a runway or taxiway - open (by clicking Ctrl+F12) the menu for take-off and parking, but after parking at a gate ("warp me there" or just choosing a random gate/parking position) I get no menu anymore, nothing happens, also not when I try the options in the dropdown menus Couatl or GSX. So, no boarding, catering, walking passengers etc.

Uninstalled and re-installed the complete program a few times now, but always the same result. I checked Firewall and AV, no cause for problems there.
Specs: Win 7, P3Dv4.3, Prosim suite and ProSim flight model, FSUIPC 5.13, ORBX Global/Vector/EU Landclass.
Please give me some clues how to solve this very irritating problem.