Thanks for the reply, Umberto.
Unfortunately, the update didn't fix the issue. I've tried everything I can possibly think of, and have just about decided to try and live with no jetways at that airport, until TropicalSim comes out with their promised release in the (hopefully) near future. It's either enable the default jetways back, which would cause me to lose all the new jetways at every other airport, or go back to the default version of KABQ. It really is weird... usually I can pinpoint issues within the sim, but this is the first time I've been stumped. Whenever I load up the sim with the default KABQ enabled, the new jetways are there. When I turn back on the custom freeware KABQ scenery, the new terminal is there, along with the new jetways, though they're badly in need of re-positioning. When I exit out of P3D, and then go back in, the new scenery is still active, but the new jetways will be gone! It's just baffling. This scenery was originally for FSX in late 2015, could that have something to do with it? I edited the AFCAD within ADE for P3D v4, though.. so I don't know how that could be an issue. Drives me crazy! Lol. It's like the jetways are invisible, because, like I said, I can go into the GSX menu and it'll show that each gate has one jetway, and can be edited... but they're just not seen.
Of course it would be one of the more frequent airports I fly into and out of.. haha. Is there a way to enable the default jetways at just the one airport and keep the new ones everywhere else? Thanks again!