already done (don't know what I still have to do)
Have you done it AFTER my last post ?
So it is possible that here is a similar problem. For three weeks I have a new internet provider: so it may be that there is a relation to GSX updating process?
You should now better than me, if you happened to notice this failure to update happened *about* that time.
I can contact my provider and tell him this problem, but I think I need more informations. Is there a particular Server URL which is in use for the GSX updating process?
In general, everything is downloaded from these URLs ( no, you can't click on them and see if they work with the browser, you will get a permission error, and this is normal )
http://update.fsdreamteam.comThey contains both set of files, one is a backup mirror the updater will switch to in case the other is not responding. However, is NOT that simple, because you are not really connecting there, your actual connection will be with your local Cloudflare node. Cloudflare has a network of 250+ servers around the world: you should usually connect to the one closest to you, but this is completely outside our control, it's done by Cloudflare.
We noticed that users having issues with Cloudflare are MOST of the times users living in countries with censored internet ( China, mainly, but there are others too ) because, since most of the websites use Cloudflare to ease network load and speed up the connection, those countries find easier to just firewall Cloudflare nodes, rather than having to setup complex rules to sort out billions of IPs.
So yes, it's possible that, even if your internet connection is not really "censored", your ISP might have placed a block over the Cloudflare node that happened to be the one you connect to when running the updater.
I can see with the forum software that you are using the Frankfurt Cloudflare node, at IP (thousands of users are probably connected to it so, I'm not sharing anything private), which means it's likely you'll have this one assigned when running the updater as well so, you might try checking with your ISP.