This is Umbertos response to the problem I was/you are encountering.
The problem is caused by a customization .INI file for that airport that calls logos with codes that do not exists. Could be you created some custom logos ? If yes, it's best you keep them in a separate folder, otherwise they'll be removed on the next Live Update. But your existing .INI file is still calling them.
The easiest thing would be removing it from the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX folder and do it again.[/b][/b]
As i am not that computer literate vis-a-vis "%APPDATA%" I just went ahead and re-did the logos I already created. Your problem log will show you were the problem is. It will have some lines and then"...."texture.XXX (the texture XXX is the one you created and although deleted your Flight sim still shows it in its ini file and is causing the problem.
Once i recreated all my custom logos, all was fine at all airports. Good luck.