Author Topic: Couldn't start the Couatl scripting engine?  (Read 6864 times)

Flying Ozzie

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Couldn't start the Couatl scripting engine?
« on: September 10, 2018, 10:14:41 am »

After running the gsx_fsx_setup application to try and instal version 2 I get the following error message:

Couldn't start the Couatl scripting enigine.  This is usually caused by an antivirus or a firewall which is blocking the download. Please disable it or configure it to exclude the Addon Manmager folder and try again.
I first excluded it - didn't work.  So then I disabled the antivirus protection (scary) and switched off three windows firewalls (Domain network, Pricate network and Public network) - No joy however, I keep getting the above error message.  What am I missing/doing wrong?

It's a bit annoying too how this error only seems to appear at the end of the process - It would be nice to see it at the start, and you don't get your hopes up.

Hope you can help.


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Re: Couldn't start the Couatl scripting engine?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2018, 10:22:49 am »
It's a bit annoying too how this error only seems to appear at the end of the process - It would be nice to see it at the start, and you don't get your hopes up.

That's because the installer must first install GSX, including *downloading* the very latest version of Couatl from the Live Update server, in order to be sure it has something meaningful to test (the version that has been *actually* installed).

In order to help users not posting the same question over and over (missing Couatl or GSX menus, due to Couatl not starting), Couatl now has a TEST mode, which is used by the installer to let you know in advance if there are problem in your system that are preventing it from starting.

Since 99% of the times, the reason is the antivirus, the message tells you that, but that not the ONLY reason, it's possible it might not start if you have a problem with VC++ libraries, which we obviously install but, in some cases just installing them is not enough to fix problems. See the "Addon Manager not showing up in P3Dv4 **SOLVED**" thread:,17484.msg122656.html#msg122656

You can also try the Couatl test mode manually, by doing this:

- Open a command prompt ( Start->CMD->Enter ) and go to the Addon Manager\Couatl folder

- Type the following:

Couatl.exe --test

If there's a problem with missing system libraries, you might see some kind of error from Windows, saying something about it.


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Re: Couldn't start the Couatl scripting engine?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2018, 03:06:42 am »

Having the same issue here (FSX SP2). Couatl and GSX were working yesterday but, today, upon updating as per the Couatl request, Coautl now does not start.

I tried to re-install from the latest download, turning off my anti-virus programme but I still get the error message about Coautl not starting. I tried running the command prompt 'Couatl.exe --test' but I get the following message:
'couatl.exe --test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Can you help?



An un-install and re-install seems to have solved the problem. Back to enjoying Level 2.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 03:36:59 am by elac1 »