FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Can't install Klas...eSellerate error 25001?


Hi...and it's also telling me to wait 15 minutes to update the servers but I have waited a lot more and still can't install.Happy! >:(


David Di Domizio

This means you have probably typed your serial wrong.

Check that you don't confuse the number "0" with the letter "O", check you don't put extra spaces at the start or at the end, which are easy to overlook when copying&pasting from the email receipt, and check you have selected Las Vegas to be registered.

If you still have issues, contact us by email, so we can verify your order.

In my case, a complete un- & reinstall solved the problem. Thanks again for the heads-up, Umberto!


--- Quote from: jan on May 26, 2009, 04:29:53 am ---In my case, a complete un- & reinstall solved the problem. Thanks again for the heads-up, Umberto!

--- End quote ---

Hi guys, that did it,everything is now working.



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