In P3D V4.3 I must be doing something wrong, because at a default airport I would like to customize, the default gates are at normal height, but in the GSX config, when I select disable default gates, the replacement GSX gates are sitting about 50 feet above the plane. When I restore the default gates, they return to normal height. Being a default airport there is no addon AFCAD. I'm not quite sure what to do. Any advice will be appreciated.
Edit - I've been scouring folders in P3d to see if something is interfering with this airport and I find that the cause might be ORBX Vector. For this particular airport (MROC) Vector creates an artificial altitude to have the airport appear correctly. Somehow, GSX reads that artificial elevation rather than the actual ground elevation, therefore the default gates are at ground level and the GSX gates are at the higher altitude. How to solve that one...hmmm...