Author Topic: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated  (Read 18740 times)


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Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« on: September 08, 2018, 05:26:59 am »
Hi Umberto, et-al,

I installed GSX Level 2 (GSX base already installed) and through Add-on Manager, registered the product under the indicated menu. I received positive confirmation that product was registered. When I execute menu to deboard, the Buy GSX Level 2 window appears indicating that the product is not registered.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

Best regards,
Howard Rhett
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 05:35:31 am by hrhett »


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2018, 11:39:24 am »
This problem happened for a few moments yesterday, because we had a missing file on the Live Update server, but it's now fixed. If you still have it now, even after running the Live Update, then the error message is right, and the problem is your antivirus.

Of course, the antivirus is only the most common problem. There might be other causes for this, less common, such as missing VC++ libraries. The "Missing/Corrupted VC++ libraries in your system. See solution in the "Addon Manager not showing up in P3Dv4 **SOLVED**" thread should give some suggestions how to fix this:,17484.msg122656.html#msg122656

The full GSX installer DOES install the VC++ libraries but, in some cases, you might have to RESTART WINDOWS after installing GSX, in order for the VC++ libraries installation to be complete.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2018, 09:30:42 pm »
Okay, I unregistered, uninstalled, turned off anti-virus, reinstalled and re-registered. Both FSX and Level 2 Expansion are enabled. When I deboard, I get no passengers. Just the bus and message indicating amount deboarded and complete.

Upon boarding, the bus shows up full of passengers but they don't get off. They are also gray scale. Loading takes place with counter and then bus drives off.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 09:35:21 pm by hrhett »


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2018, 09:33:41 pm »
When I deboard, I get no passengers. Just the bus and message indicating amount deboarded and complete.

I'm sorry, but the thing you described can only happen if GSX is active, but Level 2 is not.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2018, 09:37:34 pm »
I'm sorry Umberto, I'm confused. I thought that Level 2 would allow me to have dynamic passengers. Do I need to deactivate GSX?


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2018, 09:57:06 pm »
I'm sorry Umberto, I'm confused. I thought that Level 2 would allow me to have dynamic passengers. Do I need to deactivate GSX?

Never said that. I said the only possible reason for having the bus and not seeing any passengers (seeing them as simulated), is that you have GSX correctly activated, but not GSX Level 2 so, clearly, the solution wouldn't be deactivating GSX, but rather activating GSX Level 2.

BOTH must be activated, basically.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2018, 10:09:48 pm »
They are both activated  :( (please see video from initial message). At the default P3D airport, you can see that after requesting the jetway that GSX-L2 still thinks the product is not activated but when I open the Add-on window it correctly shows as otherwise.

I'm just looking for help to get it up and running Umberto, not being accusatory or confrontational. Just looking for a little help. :)

« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 10:11:55 pm by hrhett »


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2018, 10:14:41 pm »
GSX-L2 still thinks the product is not activated but when I open the Add-on window it correctly shows as otherwise.

That confirms my suspicion. For some reason, GSX L2 is not registered as being active by GSX. This is not obviously normal and it's clearly something related to a problem with your settings.

You probably have a permission problem with your user account. Try to run the simulator As Administrator, at least during the activation. And, be sure you are NOT running the sim in "Compatibility" mode. Check the Prepar3d.exe, select Properties->Compatibility, and be sure nothing is enabled in that page.

As the last resort (not required on a normal system), you might try changing the Properties for Addon Manager\Couatl\Couatl.exe, to run As Administrator.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2018, 10:42:55 pm »
Hi Umberto,

I should have included my system specs.

Windows 10 x64
Prepar3D 4.3
i7-6700k @ 4.01GHz
16Gb RAM
500GB SSD System Drive
Nvidia GeForce 1070 8Gb VRAM
Gobs of additional storage

I explicitly set the Couatl.exe and Prepar3d.exe to "run as administrator". Same result. Any other ideas? This is a fairly recent rebuild: I reset Windows 10 and reinstalled P3D earlier this summer from fresh. I don't make custom changes as I know that the possibility of fowling up the complex web of add-ons is always a possibility.

Any other suggestions? Is there something I can check in the registry?


P.S. Anti-virus has been deactivated during this troubleshooting session.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 10:50:14 pm by hrhett »


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2018, 10:51:41 pm »
I explicitly set the Couatl.exe and Prepar3d.exe to "run as administrator". Same result. Any other ideas?

I have no idea. It simply cannot happen. Try reinstalling after a complete clean up of the GSX preferences:

Remove these files:


and reinstall using only the current GSX full installer.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2018, 12:24:02 am »
I'm not quite sure where to go from here Umberto. Level 2 simply is not registering (even though it shows in the Add-on Virtualli menu as such and I've traced it back to the registry in regedit). Both (as shown) GSX and Level 2 are both activated. I've done everything as suggested (all without antivirus enabled) and I'm back to the "Buy Level 2" screen. GSX base seems to be working. I did a Apps uninstall but left the add-on manager intact when asked.

I saw your product at the conference in Vegas and you demonstrated it to me. I own all of your scenery, its beautifully crafted. I was pretty excited but I have to ask myself how much time to I need to devote to troubleshoot and install. I'm a little frustrated.



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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2018, 12:27:17 am »
I really don't understand what can possibly cause this, and you are the only one reporting it so far.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2018, 12:42:20 am »
I have an identical problem. All other FSDT products are working fine (KLAX, KORD, GSXv1, etc).

Wrongway Malcolm

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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2018, 06:57:59 am »
This is my first post (or relpy) to the forum.  I'm glad the forum is here.

I, too have a problem that looks like GSX doesn't recognize GSX 2 as active, when both GSX and GSX 2 show as active in the Add-On Manager.  For me symptoms on boarding request are that a separate van for pilot/crew and passengers come (this didn't happen with old GSX - just one van), but no passengers are visible, and the green status bar counts passengers as they board.  Also, in timing settings, the new GSX 2 options don't show up.

I had one oddity when first installing and activating GSX 2.  I bought the product on SimMarket, and downloaded the integrated installer from the FSDreamTeam website.  I ran the installer, and checked activation for GSX in the Add-On Manager, and it was active.  I activated GSX 2, and it showed up as active.  However it crashed when I tried to run it.  I restarted FSX (boxed Gold), and no GSX options were available through the add on drop down in FSX.  All evidence of GSX had disappeared.  I re-installed, and now both show up in add-on manager as active, but in product use, only GSX is active.

What I tried to fix are disabling anti-virus for activation, uninstalling and re-installing with no anti-virus active, and updating the product.  None of that helped.

I saw references to "permissions" in the above discussion.  I checked the files I could find to see permissions were set to "run as administrator."  I also added what files I could find to the firewall exception list.

It occurs to me, my search for files for changing permissions and for adding to firewall exceptions was haphazzard.  Is there a list of files you recommend as set to "run as administrator?"  Also, is there a list of files that need firewall exclusions?  The surmise permissions are an issue seems logical.  Maybe I'm missing checking on a key file or two?

May I say that I've found every penny I spent on GSX well more than worth it.  Thanks for the excellent effort and results!  I'm confident I will feel the same about GSX 2 once it's working on my machine.


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Re: Installed GSX Level 2, registration not activated
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2018, 07:41:33 pm »
Try this:

- Open the Addon Manager, select GSX Level 2, and Deactivate

- Exit the sim

- Restart Windows

- Start the sim again. Register again your GSX Level 2 Serial Number and be sure the activation succeed.

- Chose "Restart Couatl" from the menu, and try.