Could you be a little more specific of what steps should be done to add a jetway logo? I'm trying to add the Piraeus bank logo for LGAV. What I did and still does not work so far is the following:
1) I created a new folder under the \FSDT_SODE_jetway logo folder named 'texture.PIRAEUS_BANK'
2) Inside that folder I edited the .dds file to represent the logo I want to use (180 rotated and horizontally inverted)
3) Inside the same folder, I edited the texture.cfg to show:
4) I then edited the sim.cfg file under the \FSDT_SODE_jetway logo folder, by adding the following entry:
texture = PIRAEUS_BANK
model = FSDT_SODE_JW_TB_2_8_LOGO
However, after this steps the logo does not show under the preview tab in order to add it to the jetway. What am I doing wrong?