Author Topic: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.  (Read 175638 times)


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2018, 07:57:58 pm »
Can you please clarify if i share a scnery configuration with a friend, in an airport WITH exclusions, what files do i neet to share? the INI, BGL and CFG from the appdata and addon manager folder? thanks.

You have some choices:

- Share JUST the .INI file in %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX, and tell your friend to place it in that folder and do THIS:,18620.msg131209.html#msg131209

The parking customization can recreate the XML automatically from the .INI file. This can be done by opening the parking customization for that airport, and deselect/select any one parking that had the Exclude checkmark set. You can do it by changing anything else, but this is the easiest one and the easiest to remember. This will trigger the parking editor to create the Exclude XML, which can be then compiled into a .BGL.

- Share the .INI AND the .XML, and tell your friend to start the GSX Control Panel utility, even before starting the sim, to create the Exclude .BGL

- DO NOT share the .INI and the .BGL because, a .BGL alone without its parent .XML will be considered "orphaned", and removed by the GSX Control Panel at the next run.

- Sharing all 3 ( .INI, .XML and .BGL ) surely works but, it might be more difficult to install, since each of them will have to go into a different folder.
Thanks Umberto,
There is a group of 5 liscensed users that are now sharing with a simple instructions on the 3 files drop that in 15 secs they benefit from my configurations and is all working fine for all of us. Now i manage to configure airports without jetways, with exclusions and even with SODE (e.g. EDDM from AS with more than 70 fingers). I will have close to 100 airports done and tested in this group in a couple of weeks. Cheers... p.d when will we be able to config ORBX airports?


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #91 on: September 21, 2018, 09:50:32 pm »
Here's a video tutorial, explaining how to replace Jetways on an airport (FlyTampa EHAM) that doesn't originally comes with SODE Jetways:

What video? I don't see a video, a link, or anything.



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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #92 on: September 21, 2018, 10:45:34 pm »
What video? I don't see a video, a link, or anything.

?? You even quoted it, and I can see if from your quote too, it's on the first page of this very thread.


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2018, 12:18:53 am »
Does anyone know how to get rid of the static jetways at fly tampa dubai i can only get rid of the ctrl j jetways there is no file in scenery too


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2018, 02:57:52 am »
What video? I don't see a video, a link, or anything.

?? You even quoted it, and I can see if from your quote too, it's on the first page of this very thread.

I managed to really master your GSX2, is pretty amazing once you get the hang of it.  I have made already 23 of the major airports in Europe. Even some of the SODE restricted airports.  I see people struggling a bit about this, what do you suggest i do with this pack? In a couple of weeks  the list of airports will grow up to 100 of Europes top scenries.


« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 03:00:42 am by cartayna »

Arnaud 21

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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #95 on: September 23, 2018, 09:22:47 am »
I have a big problem with gsx level 2! When I want to exclude all my jetways from a scenery for example Dubai or EDDF professional on p3dv4 I increase the exclusion radius but nothing to do only one jetway is excluded. I can’t play with these sceneries because It is unrealistic what can I do? :'(


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #96 on: September 23, 2018, 12:01:07 pm »
I have a big problem with gsx level 2! When I want to exclude all my jetways from a scenery for example Dubai or EDDF professional on p3dv4 I increase the exclusion radius but nothing to do only one jetway is excluded. I can’t play with these sceneries because It is unrealistic what can I do? :'(
do not increase the radius to include more jets, it does not work like that.
on the left u see the jetways that are customizable by GSX with a /J by the gate number.  Select several using the CTRL + selecting with the mouse left click. then check the window of the radius, and press apply. that is how you work with several gates at same time. The same applies if you want to change the type of jetway or so for several gates.  If you want, here is the whole EDDF already done by me. follow the instructions. ENJOY!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 12:03:16 pm by cartayna »


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #97 on: September 23, 2018, 06:26:28 pm »
I managed to really master your GSX2, is pretty amazing once you get the hang of it.  I have made already 23 of the major airports in Europe. Even some of the SODE restricted airports.  I see people struggling a bit about this, what do you suggest i do with this pack? In a couple of weeks  the list of airports will grow up to 100 of Europes top sceneries.

We'll surely have a better way to share and download customization files. It's not something easy we can do it quickly, but we'll eventually get there, with something fully integrated in the software.


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #98 on: September 23, 2018, 06:48:02 pm »
I managed to really master your GSX2, is pretty amazing once you get the hang of it.  I have made already 23 of the major airports in Europe. Even some of the SODE restricted airports.  I see people struggling a bit about this, what do you suggest i do with this pack? In a couple of weeks  the list of airports will grow up to 100 of Europes top sceneries.

We'll surely have a better way to share and download customization files. It's not something easy we can do it quickly, but we'll eventually get there, with something fully integrated in the software.
and where shall i publish them? is there a fast way to do it here, in a batch? i have 33 of the major airports in Europe, organized in dropb folders with a good instructions. I understand you where going to do a section in the forum specifically for GSX2?


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2018, 06:50:30 pm »
If you are already on Dropbox, why not simply post links to the files ? We already have a sharing section for sceneries.


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #100 on: September 23, 2018, 07:26:25 pm »
If you are already on Dropbox, why not simply post links to the files ? We already have a sharing section for sceneries.
ok. i hope i placed it on the right page.,6644.msg131916.html#msg131916


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #101 on: September 26, 2018, 11:07:07 pm »
Sorry, but the tutorial does not explain how to change all jetways at the same terminal. What do you mean with "left side of the screen"?
Could you specify where we can do this?

Also, in one of the previous, you mentioned we can edit the logos for the jetways (with own images). Is this possible?

In the customize airport parking menu.. on the left are all the positions of that airport


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #102 on: September 27, 2018, 09:49:38 pm »
I have a big problem with gsx level 2! When I want to exclude all my jetways from a scenery for example Dubai or EDDF professional on p3dv4 I increase the exclusion radius but nothing to do only one jetway is excluded. I can’t play with these sceneries because It is unrealistic what can I do? :'(
do not increase the radius to include more jets, it does not work like that.
on the left u see the jetways that are customizable by GSX with a /J by the gate number.  Select several using the CTRL + selecting with the mouse left click. then check the window of the radius, and press apply. that is how you work with several gates at same time. The same applies if you want to change the type of jetway or so for several gates.  If you want, here is the whole EDDF already done by me. follow the instructions. ENJOY!

I think he means he can only replace the one that's operated by the default jetway, and not the 2nd (or 3rd) at the same gate. Increasing the radius doesn't work indeed. How can you replace the other jetways?
I did get it to work at Flytampa EHAM (both heavy jetways), but not at aerosoft EDDF.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 09:52:08 pm by airbusguy320 »


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #103 on: September 27, 2018, 10:13:48 pm »
I did get it to work at Flytampa EHAM (both heavy jetways), but not at aerosoft EDDF.

This has been discussed so many times on the forum. Aerosoft EDDF has many jetways that are not modeled independently, so there's no way to exclude them other than changing the actual scenery.

Yes, it CAN be done, if you are really willing to do it:,18401.msg128495.html#msg128495


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Re: GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.
« Reply #104 on: September 27, 2018, 10:16:53 pm »
I did get it to work at Flytampa EHAM (both heavy jetways), but not at aerosoft EDDF.

This has been discussed so many times on the forum. Aerosoft EDDF has many jetways that are not modeled independently, so there's no way to exclude them other than changing the actual scenery.

Yes, it CAN be done, if you are really willing to do it:,18401.msg128495.html#msg128495

thanks Umberto, sorry, sometimes i get lost in this forums
maybe i will try one of this days.