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GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.

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Hello to all:
I have looked in the forum, have been still some post and nothing.
Gsx L2 me works well, the only thing "compiles" sim began again and they continue there the jetway for defect, along with which I have created??? ???



--- Quote from: virtuali on November 04, 2019, 01:37:57 pm ---I can't reproduce your problem. I tried a scenery that comes with default CTRL+J jetways, Madrid from Simwings, and did exactly the following steps, worked fine:

- Went to the airport

- Chose Add-ons -> GSX -> "Customize airport positions"

- Clicked the "Select parkings w/J in Gate" button. This resulted in 71 parking spots selected.

- Clicked the "Jetway Exclude Radius" check, leaving the value at default of 1.0 meters. After some pause, all gates had the default GSX replacement model, in addition to the original that came with the scenery.

- Exited the sim.

- Started the GSX Control panel, and waited until the Compile button went active.

- Clicked "Compile", and it created a 000_LEMD_GSX_JWEXCL.BGL file in the Fsdreamteam\Exclude\Scenery folder

- Restarted the sim, the GSX cache was rebuilt in a couple of seconds.

- Went to LEMD, only the GSX replacement jetways were present.

- Restarted the sim, all jetways were still there on restart.

- Tried customizing the model, so I selected all parking with gates again, chose a model with crystals, removed the logo and the number (the real airport doesn't seem to use them), and all jetways changed, after some pause.

- Restarted the sim, all jetways were still there on restart, exactly as they were customized the last time.

--- End quote ---

Hi Umberto,
Tried to follow your guide above for the Aerosoft Tromso X (ENTC) airport. 4 Jetways are tagged as /J but the method above does not work at all - anybody tried this with this airport?


Tim Cologne:
I'm new to GSX and I love it. There's only one thing that's quiet hard. When I want to replace Jetways of a third parts airport (aerosoft i.e.), the jetways remain where they were, they just don't disappear.

So far I used AES from aerosoft, but I deleted this programm and I deactivated AES on those airports, that were supported by AES. But nothing changed. The jetways are still there.

What can I do? Do I need to reinstall thos airports?

I'm using FSX.

Thanks for any reply.



--- Quote from: Tim Cologne on April 21, 2020, 06:33:41 pm ---When I want to replace Jetways of a third parts airport (aerosoft i.e.), the jetways remain where they were, they just don't disappear.
--- End quote ---

It's not possible to help you without you providing a precise explanation of what you did. It's not clear, for example, if you followed the complete procedure, which is:

- enable the "jetway exclude radius" checkmark for all parking spots that have a jetway you want to remove

- exit from the sim

- start the GSX control panel

- compile the XML file that has been created

- exit the GSX control panel

- restart the sim.

When a parking position has 2 or 3 jetways and after arrival and engines shut down, it only shows up one option for docking, what could be wrong? It should allow me to choose any of the available jetways for that gate, right? It always picks up a further jetway, thus when it docks to the plane it passes through the closest jetway (which should be the one used instead).


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