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GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.

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Have you run the GSX Control Panel to create the actual exclude files ? Also, keep in mind that not all jetways can be excluded, only those that are modeled independently from the terminal.

Yes I did.
But let me tell you, I solved the issue I had.
There was allready made an .ini File for EGLL at C:\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX. Maybe I was to fast and pushed some buttons I donĀ“t had to.
After deleting this File, everything went Ok. So now I can have a new try at Heathrow.

thank an regards



Jetway replacement doesnt seem to work for me anymore. On no airport, not even on EHAM (Flytampe) where you made the video in. I got it to work many months ago, at the release of level2, then didnt bother anymore for a while and now i dont get it to work anymore. I understand that it doesnt work on every airport, for example when it has fixed jetways and those things.

What happens is either 1 of 3 things, sometimes more than 1 of the 3 are combined:

- GSX jetway doesnt "drop" after setting exclude radius
- after compiling the bgl and restart sim the GSX jetway is gone after it reappeared first time hitting the exclusion zone
- after compiling the bgl the standard airport jetway doesnt go away

Im running 4.5.2, latest GSX update and everything else of GSX is working fine.
AddonManager is showing in menu, as well as SODE. GSX stuff is excluded in AV/Defender.

I just tried on 4 airports, none of them worked and always had 1 or more of the mentioned problems. Last example EDDM, T2G.
I started sim, went to "Customize airport positions", set 1 for radius and hit apply. GSX lv 2 model appeared, i changed the font etc, hit apply and closed the sim.
Then i compiled the BGL, started sim again and GSX lv 2 jetway is missing, and the standard gate still there too. Now i cannot get the GSX jetway to appear anymore, regardless how many meters i insert into the field. It simply doesnt appear anymore.

On the other airports the same,aslo EHAM. It appears, i hit apply, want to compile bgl and after sim restart its gone.

What can be wrong?

I can't reproduce your problem. I tried a scenery that comes with default CTRL+J jetways, Madrid from Simwings, and did exactly the following steps, worked fine:

- Went to the airport

- Chose Add-ons -> GSX -> "Customize airport positions"

- Clicked the "Select parkings w/J in Gate" button. This resulted in 71 parking spots selected.

- Clicked the "Jetway Exclude Radius" check, leaving the value at default of 1.0 meters. After some pause, all gates had the default GSX replacement model, in addition to the original that came with the scenery.

- Exited the sim.

- Started the GSX Control panel, and waited until the Compile button went active.

- Clicked "Compile", and it created a 000_LEMD_GSX_JWEXCL.BGL file in the Fsdreamteam\Exclude\Scenery folder

- Restarted the sim, the GSX cache was rebuilt in a couple of seconds.

- Went to LEMD, only the GSX replacement jetways were present.

- Restarted the sim, all jetways were still there on restart.

- Tried customizing the model, so I selected all parking with gates again, chose a model with crystals, removed the logo and the number (the real airport doesn't seem to use them), and all jetways changed, after some pause.

- Restarted the sim, all jetways were still there on restart, exactly as they were customized the last time.

Thank you.

I believe you that :-) Would have surprised me if its an overall problem. The question is more what it could be. Besides this i have what i would call an "example sim", where compared to seemingly 70% of others everything works as intended. Just this problem bugs me and i dont really have a clue what could be the problem.

I just saw that it seems that the compiled BGLs get deleted. If i start sim, do all those things you say, close and open p3d again (now its the moment where the created jetway is missing) and then close the sim a second time the GSX tool where one can compile doesnt list the BGL anymore. Seems it only creates it temporary or something like that.

But i have set the whole gsx folder to Defender exclusion so i dont really see what else could interfere here. I try to make a video, maybe you can spot what i either do wrong or what happens.


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