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GSX Level 2 TUTORIAL - Replace Jetways on a 3rd party airport.

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--- Quote from: sfsd on April 27, 2019, 05:08:22 pm ---So I've increased the number in the Parking Position Menu to 100m. After this the Jetways on the Gate I was parked an the ones on my left and right disappeared but the rest was still there.
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Not all jetways can be disabled with an Exclude file (regardless how large your exclude area is, and 100 mt is surely wrong, because you'll end up excluding other things you don't want), only those that are made using the CTRL+J method can be excluded this way.

If a jetway is static, and part of the terminal building, the only way to remove it, is to remove the library .BGL that contains the actual model, hoping it would contain only jetways.

None of the Jetways are static. I saw videos of others doing exactly the same thing as i did using the exact same version who succeeded. Should I reinstall one of the two addons? If yes, which? GSX or Mega Airport Zürich?


--- Quote from: sfsd on April 28, 2019, 11:24:14 am ---I saw videos of others doing exactly the same thing as i did using the exact same version who succeeded.
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Wouldn't be easier to just ask them for their configuration ?

Habe eine Frage ich benutze p3dv4.4 mit Jeehell, und habe GSX und GSX Level 2 installiert, aber irgendwie funktioniert das nicht richtig. Bei mir kommen keine Gepäck Wagen oder und der 2 Catering Service Auto. Habe auch ein Problem das alle Turiel auf englisch sind sowie die Anleitung. Kann nicht so gut englisch.

Hello all together,

today I tried the first Time to replace Jetways from a 3rd party Airport using the turorial. In my case EGLL by SimWings / Aerosoft, using FSX Acceleration.
But I think I started wrong, or did something diffrent, because when I want to start and scenery had been loaded, I found the following Situation (Attachement Jetway probleme Heathrow).
There is allready a new Jetway at the Gate and I didn´t know how it comes there, or how to remove. On my last "arrival" at EGLL it wasn´t there....
Don´t know how to work with, or if this is right?? My Settings in the Customization Area is shown on the second Attachement.
I´m sorry for this, but I don´t know how to continue.



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