Author Topic: Zurich 2.5 for FS9 released  (Read 30233 times)

David Geden

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Re: Zurich 2.5 for FS9 released
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2018, 03:35:15 pm »

I am in the process of evaluating your very fine product. My question relates to the green lights on the taxiway. I just see what looks like an inverted black T with a central green light. I usually manage to see one on the ground lit but plenty of the "T" unlit until I get closer. If I go to a virtual cockpit then the lights show as intended. I thought I must have a graphic card problem but I tried out KLAS where the taxi lights show up as intended in any view. The blue lights in LSZH are better lit than the ones in KLAS. I suppose I would like the blue lights from LSZH in KLAS and the green lights from KLAS in LSZH. Otherwise a great product with no hit on my frame rate.


Dave Geden