Author Topic: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering  (Read 21592 times)


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Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« on: May 13, 2009, 11:16:01 pm »
Here's a batch file that will resize all the biggest textures at LSZH to 512x512 instead of the default 1024x1024, that should improve the stuttering, because VRAM memory requirements are now 4x less

Unzip the file in the following folder


And run the resize.bat program. At the end of the process, you'll see that all the 1MB textures are now about 300K each. If you want to go back to the original hires textures, just reinstall the scenery.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 10:52:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 07:47:59 am »
I am using LSZH 1.3.1 version here and yesterday I attempted to run the texture resizer for LSZH.

So far I have runned the resizer for JFK, LSGG, KLAS and KFLL without any issues. No error messages while resizing the textures to these sceneries.

During the process of running the texture resizer yesterday for LSZH, imagetool.exe encountered a weird error in the likes of:"File dxd3d9.dll (or something like that) appears to be missing. Reinstalling the .dll might help solve the problem"

In the directory FS9\Fsdreamteam\LSZH\texture there was 236 (+ the 3 files needed for the resizer) so 239 files. After the resizing process it came down to 141 files which would be wrong, and would have missing textures there.

Would this mysterious .dll would be related to directx 9? I am sure my DX9 installation is correct.

So in light of this mysterious error, I have re-runned the installer for LSZH and I am back to where I started.

Anybody else came along this? Thanks.

regards, Thierry
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 07:55:20 am by tlabbe »


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Re: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 11:07:31 am »


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Re: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2009, 11:06:06 pm »
Hi Umberto,
I will update the DX9 install with the link you provided me and re-test the resizer on LSZH. If it is successful then we would have found the culprit.

If it is not too much trouble with you, can you tell me with the exact count, how many files in the \texture folder we should have for each of the sceneries?

Ex: in the texture folder for LSZH, I have 236 textures, so if I have an exact count for JFK, LSGG, KLAS and KFLL, this would tell me if I have run the resizer for these sceneries successfully.

In a nutshell, how many files should I have in the following:

fs9\fsdreamteam\LSZH\texture = 236 files
fs9\fsdreamteam\JFK\texture = ?
fs9\fsdreamteam\LSGG\texture = ?
fs9\fsdreamteam\KLAS\texture = ?
fs9\fsdreamteam\KFLL\texture = ?

I will check on my side how many textures I have for these folders and compare it with you. If I have an exact count on each of these, this would mean the resizer has been runned correctly.

Thanks again for your help, regards, Thierry


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Re: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 03:40:30 am »
Hi Umberto,
Just wanted to let you know that you were correct, my DX9 install was out of date, I installed the new DX9 update and I have re-runned the texture resizer for LSZH. It worked.

Of course I would really like to know the texture count for the FS9 versions of the sceneries, this would tell me if the resizer worked for me or not.

so far:
fs9\fsdreamteam\Zurich\texture = 236 files
fs9\fsdreamteam\JFK\texture = 182 files (re-installed KJFK, and re-run the resizer)

waiting for LSGG, KLAS and KFLL to compare if the file count is correct after using the resizer for those sceneries.

Again, anxiously waiting for your response, thanks, Thierry


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Re: Textures resizer - will help against stuttering
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 04:05:51 am »
Of course I would really like to know the texture count for the FS9 versions of the sceneries, this would tell me if the resizer worked for me or not.

so far:
fs9\fsdreamteam\Zurich\texture = 236 files
fs9\fsdreamteam\JFK\texture = 182 files (re-installed KJFK, and re-run the resizer)

waiting for LSGG, KLAS and KFLL to compare if the file count is correct after using the resizer for those sceneries.

The file count will be the same regardless if the resizer worked or not...
You can compare the texture folder size before and after running the resizer. If the resizer worked then the texture folder size should be significantly less than before.  

Or you can just check that
all the 1MB textures are now about 300K each.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 04:54:12 am by JFKpilot »
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