Author Topic: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**  (Read 11758 times)


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Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« on: August 08, 2018, 10:44:35 am »
I am just coming back to the hobby after many years, and trying to re-install my sceneries.
I am now using P3Dv4, and I downloaded all the latest installers. (KJFKv2, KORD, KDFW)

Everything installs fine, but I do not see the sceneries in game.
If I look into addon-manager, I see the message "Active but not in scenery library"
How do I add them to the scenery library?

« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 05:41:05 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Active but not in scenery library
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2018, 11:53:49 pm »
The installer will automatically add the sceneries to the Scenery Library, there's nothing you must do to do that, and it's impossible the installer would fail to do this, since our installer use a service provided by the sim *itself* to add the sceneries to the Scenery Library.

Note that I said "Scenery Library", not the scenery.cfg file because, under P3D4, we DO NOT use the scenery.cfg file anymore but, instead, we use the native P3D4 installation method of having an add-on.xml file which will add a scenery to the Scenery Library, without having to add it to the scenery.cfg.

And, this method is controlled entirely by P3D4.

It is possible you are using some kind of external utility, like the infamous Migration Tool, to install into P3D4 something that wasn't originally made for it ?

Such utilities will only make all the proper products that requires to identify P3D4 properly to stop working, because they mess up with the registry, the file executable version, etc.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2018, 12:04:46 am »
I just figured out tonight what was the issue.
I am doing a fresh install into p3dv4, so I am downloading all the installers fresh from all vendors. (if compatible with p3d)

I was desperate to have my favorite airports back online, so I dived into p3d, which was a good exercise for me to understand the difference in the innerworkings compared to fsx.

The addon xml file in the user documents (C:\Users\username\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDreamTeam addon xxx) for KDFW had a couple of missing closing tags </AddOn.Component>.
Once I fixed this, all other FSDT addons and some others I had problems with came alive.

Thanks for the help.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2018, 05:40:58 pm »
The addon xml file in the user documents (C:\Users\username\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDreamTeam addon xxx) for KDFW had a couple of missing closing tags </AddOn.Component>.Once I fixed this, all other FSDT addons and some others I had problems with came alive

That's only possible because either you (or another utility that might try to use/read the file) has changed it. We surely don't install the scenery with a corrupted XML file.

You can confirm this by removing it and reinstall the scenery again. I'm sure you'll find the installer installs a proper XML file.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2018, 03:47:54 pm »
Hi Umberto,
On this subject, I notice if I ever update P3Dv4 to say 4.3, that I usually lose the access to FSDT sceneries. Like now for instance, it sees all my FSDT sceneries in trial mode and wants me to reinstall the serial numbers. Is there a way of connecting the reg file to the licence key reinstall requirement?


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2018, 04:00:30 pm »
On this subject, I notice if I ever update P3Dv4 to say 4.3, that I usually lose the access to FSDT sceneries.

Sorry, but this is not possible, and nobody ever reported it before. The only way to lose your activation, is to reinstall Windows or change major hardware components.

And, we don't store ANY file in the simulator folder, let alone the registration information, which is stored ONLY in the Windows registry, and I'm sure the P3D installer will not touch *our* registry keys.

You can uninstall the whole sim, remove its entire folder and all its preference, and you can even uninstall all our products and remove all their folders, and you will NOT lose the activation. This because is not stored in a file, it's in the Windows registry.

The .REG key is not read or used by the software, it's just the standard format to do a backup of a registry key so, you can just double-click on it whenever you lose your activation. Which cannot happen by "just" uninstalling the sim.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2018, 01:53:49 am »
Thanks for the reply Umberto.
The whole story...I had a P3Dv4.2 system on a Win10 machine. Had GSXv1 and most FSDT/FlightBeam airports installed and active. A few weeks ago, I updated to P3Dv4.3. I did not check for FSDT/GSX operations, because I did not "go anywhere". Last week, I installed QW 787, and decided to use GSX and a FSDT scenery(KDFW) I noticed that GSX was unavailable in the Add-ons tab, as well as the scenery was the stock airport. Ummm, why?

I used the Live updater, and it tried to update, but came back with an error and it said I needed to update using the complete GSX 2.5 installer. I went to the FSDT site, found the new v2.5 installer, and downloaded the package(1GB+) installed it. I did not remove the earlier version of GSX, prior to install. Then when booting up P3Dv4.3, I noted that again, there was no GSX, Addon Manager, Couatl settings or Live update in the Add-ons Tab. So, I downloaded from the FSDT site, the Addon Manager, actioned it, and its actions took much longer than the previous install package. I noticed that it installed the C++ packages.

When I re-booted machine and opened P3Dv4.3,  GSX, Addon Manager, Couatl settings and Live update were now in the Add-ons Tab. So, some how, on my machine, the later use of the Addon Manager.exe after full install had managed to get GSX etc in the Add-ons tab.But, as reported above, all sceneries were noted as in trial mode...I used the Reinstall button, and it asked me to input the Ser No. I did this for KDFW. I then noticed that all FSDT sceneries were noted as installed and active...sort of like when I did one, FSDT found my other serial numbers....

Now, you might say, this is all Impossible...On my machine, this is what happened. Usually when I update P3D, I have to always reinstall the ser No for one FSDT scenery. No big deal, I just need to realise what needs doing. Umberto, I need to get better control of my Avira virus manager, as while I disable it for initial download/install etc, I have no idea how to quarantine FSDT, so, this could be my issue?


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2018, 12:58:10 am »
I used the Live updater, and it tried to update, but came back with an error and it said I needed to update using the complete GSX 2.5 installer. I went to the FSDT site, found the new v2.5 installer, and downloaded the package(1GB+) installed it. I did not remove the earlier version of GSX, prior to install. Then when booting up P3Dv4.3, I noted that again, there was no GSX, Addon Manager, Couatl settings or Live update in the Add-ons Tab. So, I downloaded from the FSDT site, the Addon Manager, actioned it, and its actions took much longer than the previous install package. I noticed that it installed the C++ packages.

There's no difference whatsoever between what the GSX installer does and installs, and what the Addon manager does and installs. In fact, the Addon Manger installer is the SAME as the GSX one (100% same code), just without the GSX objects, textures, sounds, etc.

You assumed the Addon Manager "worked better" but, in the meantime, you ran the simulator (even if only to realize it didn't work), and this might have fixed your problem. Or maybe you restarted Windows, and that might also have fixed your problem, because sometimes the VC++ runtimes requires a reinstall, depending on the version you were starting from.

I need to get better control of my Avira virus manager, as while I disable it for initial download/install etc, I have no idea how to quarantine FSDT, so, this could be my issue?

"quarantine FSDT" ? You want to do the OPPOSITE: PREVENT FSDT to be mistakenly quarantined by the antivirus, which should be done using folder exclusion. I don't know Avira, but any proper antivurs should have the ability to exclude a file or a folder.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2018, 01:54:48 am »
Hi Umberto,
Thanks for replies. Yes, I thought as much that the Addon manager and the GSX Installer did the same thing. For some reason, the Addon Manager action appeared to take longer. Maybe just my late night perception. And as you said, maybe the shutdown of the machine resulted in getting the C++ to work.

Sorry, my bad use of terminology about 'quarantine'. I want Avira to exclude FSDT from its actions.

As I recall, the demo version of GSX v2, works for 20 minutes or so at a FSDT airport? If so, I will give it a go with a cold and dark a/c.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2018, 02:04:26 am »
As I recall, the demo version of GSX v2, works for 20 minutes or so at a FSDT airport?

It works *forever* at an FSDT airport! GSX (and Level 2 is not different), is totally and entirely FREE to use at our airports.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2018, 07:50:51 am »
It works *forever* at an FSDT airport! GSX (and Level 2 is not different), is totally and entirely FREE to use at our airports.

Fantastic Umberto. Thankyou.  Off topic, what is the next FSDT airport for release?


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2018, 06:46:14 pm »
Fantastic Umberto. Thankyou.  Off topic, what is the next FSDT airport for release?

It will likely be Basel (LFSB), since it's a much smaller airport than that huge monster KORD, which should follow it.


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2019, 01:41:48 am »
Sir, and to whom it may concern  I too have the same problem with auto install. It installed but it scenery activated but is not in my scenery file.  I have tried several times to reinstall and it only says it's activated but in in scenery file. So how do I get it in my scenery file because Obviously the auto install has a flaw..


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2019, 01:53:33 am »
I just realized it's not even in my Folder version P3Dv4 addons. Is this only for P3Dv3?  If so, it would of been nice to put on the download Web folder


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Re: Active but not in scenery library **SOLVED**
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2019, 07:39:45 pm »
There's no reason why you wouldn't see the scenery in the Scenery Library, if using the FSDT installer.

Please clarify what do you mean with "Folder version P3Dv4 addons".