FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

AES Support


Hi.  Got the KLAS scenery as well as the patch and have no problems with the scenery itself.  I did want to ask about AES support.  On the product description page it states that KLAS has AES support but it doesn't show up in my airport list.  I have AES v1.99b which, according to their website, is the newest version available.  Do I have to wait for Aerosoft to come out with a newer version or am I missing something?  Thanks in advance for your help.

Yes, KLAS support should be available in the next AES update which, according to Aerosoft forum, should be released sometime during this month.


--- Quote from: virtuali on May 11, 2009, 02:54:55 pm ---Yes, KLAS support should be available in the next AES update which, according to Aerosoft forum, should be released sometime during this month.

--- End quote ---

Great.  Thanks for your quick response.


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