I keep getting this error when boarding and deboarding with the PMDG 77F. And it happens at all airport default/payware scenery.
I did what it asked, which is to install the latest Add-on Manager, but issue persists.
I've included the log error as well.
couatl v3.2 (build 3997)
panic log started on Fri Jul 13 10:11:50 2018
problem raised by addon baggageLoader.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baggageLoader.py", line 259, in do
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 235, in waitDoorState
AttributeError: AircraftExit instance has no attribute 'getLVar'
{'Airport': 'ZGGG', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate M 10', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate F 23', 'User Pos': (23.397897481140063, 113.32121592773431, 19.4749 m, 4.23494 m, 104.80238446669013)}