Author Topic: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work **SOLVED**  (Read 10655 times)


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I recently purchased KMEM for FSX and added it to my FSX installation.

With other FSDreamteam sceneries that I have purchased.  I moved these sceneries to a different partition on my hard drive and updated the scenery.cfg to point to the scenery.

While all was well prior to this new version of the Addon Manager and the KMEM (FSX) installation, which I notice has been moved to a new location on my computer (no longer in the FSX main folder), KMEM loads but shows all black on the ground level of the scenery.

I have attached a screen shot of how it actually looks when I am within FSX and at the FSDreamteam KMEM.

I hope that this problem can be resolved and I look forward to your help in doing so.


« Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 02:08:47 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2018, 07:25:12 pm »
With other FSDreamteam sceneries that I have purchased.  I moved these sceneries to a different partition on my hard drive and updated the scenery.cfg to point to the scenery.

You cannot do that, not even with other FSDT sceneries, if you used an OLD installer (one that used to install INTO the sim), because most of the scenery is made with Simobjects, and their texture fallbacks assumed the scenery was installed in the root of the sim and, for the same reason, you didn't save much space, since Simobjects took the most space so, it was basically useless.

But this is no longer the case now. The current installers will let you choose a single folder for all your FSDT products, which can be anywhere.

While all was well prior to this new version of the Addon Manager and the KMEM (FSX) installation, which I notice has been moved to a new location on my computer (no longer in the FSX main folder), KMEM loads but shows all black on the ground level of the scenery.

This is likely caused by your previous manual move of the scenery, which managed to confuse the Addon Manager that tried to "migrate" your existing installation to the new one outside the sim folder, in order to save you from reinstalling everything. But since you moved the scenery manually, I'm afraid you will have to reinstall everything anyway.

- Uninstall *every* FSDT product, even the Addon Manager, and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager" ?

- Uninstall the Stand-Alone Addon Manager too, if you installed that one.

- Download ALL the installer for ALL the FSDT products you have. DO NOT use old installers.

- Reinstall them all, and chose your desired install folder, now that you are given the chance to do so. DO NOT move any scenery after having installed it!!!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 07:28:41 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2018, 10:10:16 pm »
Thank you for your reply, can I ask a few further questions for clarification:

(1) Do I have to uninstall GSX (V1.3.3) as well as all of my fsdreamteam airports and the add-on manager also?

(2) Will my computer automatically register the products after reinstalling them?

(3) Am I correct in saying that I can move all the installations destinations during the installation process to a separate partition on my main C Drive? (I won't have space to put these products on the default location within my hard drive!)

(4) Do I have to remove all the products from within FSX while it is running via the Scenery Library before uninstalling the products from the add/remove control panel?

Thanks for your continued help


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 09:29:58 am »
(1) Do I have to uninstall GSX (V1.3.3) as well as all of my fsdreamteam airports and the add-on manager also?

I think the first line of my reply already answered this:

- Uninstall *every* FSDT product, even the Addon Manager, and reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager" ?

(2) Will my computer automatically register the products after reinstalling them?

We never touch your registration "just" by uninstalling. Only a change of hardware or a total reinstall of Windows will affect your registration.

(3) Am I correct in saying that I can move all the installations destinations during the installation process to a separate partition on my main C Drive? (I won't have space to put these products on the default location within my hard drive!)

You do not "MOVE" anything, if with "move", you really mean "move", as something that was installed in a place, and then "moved" in a different place.

Instead, you can now FREELY CHOOSE your destination folder for all the FSDT products when installing, which is what you are supposed to do, if you don't have enough space on the default drive.

(4) Do I have to remove all the products from within FSX while it is running via the Scenery Library before uninstalling the products from the add/remove control panel?

Since I haven't said you must do that, can safely assume my instructions were accurate, so there was nothing to do other than just following the procedure I've listed in my previous post.


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2018, 04:51:32 pm »
Thanks for your reply once again.

I removed all FSDT products as you suggested and then re-installed KMEM which also installed the new Addon Manager which also installed a link to a "FSDT Live Update" utility. I ran this utility which seemed to update all of my registered FSDT products that I have installing for FSX, all the files for all FSDT purchased airport on my computer were updated to the latest version.

No when I come to start FSX I can fly an aircraft at any non FSDT airport but en I change location to KMEM, I get an instant blue circle (program crash) and FSX closes and offer the restart screen.

Not Great. Before purchasing KMEM all of my FSDT airports worked fine. I have de-installed all airports purchased from FSDT as suggested and allowed the new KMEM installer to update things within my FSX installation (at the default file location).  I don't know where to go from here and I hope  your continued help can sort out this problem.



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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2018, 05:25:14 pm »
No when I come to start FSX I can fly an aircraft at any non FSDT airport but en I change location to KMEM, I get an instant blue circle (program crash) and FSX closes and offer the restart screen.

See the Windows Event Viewer, it might give you some idea of what crashed.


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2018, 09:39:25 pm »
Thanks for your suggestion,

Can I ask how do I locate, and run the "windows event editor", and how will I identify any crash that might be logged there?

Just to update you, I tried to move location to KMEM within FSX several times now after starting FSX and I never manage to see the whole airport of the airport load before FSX crashes.

What is frustrating is that FSX runs fine when at other airports.

Not Great!



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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2018, 09:53:40 pm »
Hi, I managed to open the Windows event Viewer and these 4 screen shots might help youo to identify the cause of the crash and how I can solve this issue when at KMEM.

I have attached 4 pictures of 4 screen shots showing 4 different entries causing an error.

(Pictures attached)


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2018, 01:39:24 am »
Have a look at this thread, starting here, which discusses the G2D.DLL crash at KMEM:,13623.msg104743.html#msg104743

Read my report of my TM session with Hnla, where I couldn't replicate the problem with all his other addons disabled, and his next posts when he said he only had the crash when using the PMDG 737, while I only used the Aerosoft Airbus in our session.

And, read my post about a possible problem caused the setting the PoolSize = 0 in the [BufferPools] section of the FSX.CFG file. Some website suggest to use this tweak but, if the video driver has the slightest issue, it can be *very* dangerous and resulting in G2D.DLL crashes.


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2018, 12:13:20 pm »
Ok, I looed at the post that you provided the link for.

After reading it, it is not totally clear what you suggest that I try to resolve the problems I am having when trying to load KMEM. I do notice this section of the post which says:

"User saying "but it happens only at KMEM", it's JUST because it's a sophisticated scenery using a lot of high quality textures and materials, lots of vertex shaders ( the human animations and the SODE jetways ), so it REQUIRES the graphic sub-system, which is a combination of the drivers used and the video setting used, to work in top shape." (end of quote from post).

I know that you will full understand as reasonable the fact that I don't even want to consider disabling much of what I have installed within FSX in order to get KMEM to load correctly so I don't think this is a realistic option for anyone.

However, the situation has changes since my last post but is sadly still not resolved. Let me explain, since my last post I de-installed GSX and reinstalled it, after the re-install GSX showed up as active and registered within the add-on manager. Then I loaded an aircraft at KMEM and while the sim did not crash this time, the scenery did not load correctly. I have provided a number of screenshots to show you what I see as well as a screenshot of the KMEM scenery being shown as active and registered within the add-on manager. These screenshots show a true reflection of what I see even after leaving the sim to stabilize for several minutes with no crashes.

This to me is progress and may allow you to provide further suggestions as to how to get KMEM to work within FSX Accelerator which is the only platform that I am using.

I look forward to your further guidance and help.

(Screenshots Attached)




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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2018, 12:25:40 pm »
Hello again, just to add to my previous post, I have just checked my fsx.cfg and the entry for [BufferPools]



Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 12:28:33 pm by charliebravo »


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2018, 10:27:50 am »
I know that you will full understand as reasonable the fact that I don't even want to consider disabling much of what I have installed within FSX in order to get KMEM to load correctly so I don't think this is a realistic option for anyone.

This was obviously a TEMPORARY thing, for TROUBLESHOOTING reasons! I'm not saying you must disable everything in order for KMEM to work, only to do it temporarily, in order to know if there's a conflict with something!

since my last post I de-installed GSX and reinstalled it, after the re-install GSX showed up as active and registered within the add-on manager.. Then I loaded an aircraft at KMEM and while the sim did not crash this time, the scenery did not load correctly.

If you uninstalled GSX entirely, you must reinstall KMEM too. Also, check if you have the GSX and Couatl menus under the Addons menu of the sim.

Hello again, just to add to my previous post, I have just checked my fsx.cfg and the entry for [BufferPools]

Try to remove the whole [BufferPools] section, which is the default setting.


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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2018, 09:14:06 pm »
Regarding GSX and Couatl, they are showing within the FSX menu.

I will do as you suggest by de-installing and reinstalling KMEM once again and removing the [Bufferpools] section from the FSX.cfg.

I will get back to you, hopefully with good news.



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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2018, 07:38:49 pm »
Great News!

I removed the entry [Bufferpools] from the FSX.cfg and reinstalled KMEM which now loads and can be used without FSX crashing.

As I re-installed GSX before re-installing KMEM which is now working, does this mean that the other FSDreamteam sceneries that I own and have installed and registered within FSX, will these all need to be re-installed again?

I am almost frightened to ask but the question needs to be asked.

I have FSDreamteam sceneries for New York, Los Angeles, Chicago O'Hare, Geneva, Vancouver and Houston as well as Memphis).

I really hope these do not all have to be de-installed and reinstalled, so I will sit tight awaiting your thoughts on this question.

Can I say finally, thank you for your professional support which means I can now enjoy this great scenery!



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Re: KMEM (FSX) Purchased and registered, does not work
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2018, 02:08:36 pm »
Great News!

I removed the entry [Bufferpools] from the FSX.cfg and reinstalled KMEM which now loads and can be used without FSX crashing.

Of course it works now: that setting could be *VERY* dangerous, and there's a reason why it's not present by default...

As I re-installed GSX before re-installing KMEM which is now working, does this mean that the other FSDreamteam sceneries that I own and have installed and registered within FSX, will these all need to be re-installed again?

Do you uninstalled them while doing the GSX reinstall ? If not, there's no need to reinstall them.