So, as you said it's not an activation prb. but software pbr. Now I really do not know what else I may do.
- Disable the antivirus to exclude the Addon Manager folder and reinstall
- Uninstall/reinstall all the VC++ runtimes that might haven been corrupted/missing on your system.
Yes, you said you did all of that but, if you did it correctly, the software would surely run.
Be *absolutely* sure the antivirus is configured correctly to exclude the Addon Manager folder and, be absolutely sure you don't have another software (firewall, anti-spyway, etc.), that might require a similar configuration, then REINSTALL
If you are *absolutely* sure the issue is not the antivirus, then it can only be a problem with missing/corrupted VC++ runtime libraries on your system. As explained in the linked thread, it's NOT enough to just reinstall, in some cases you will have to uninstall/reinstall, and since the software requires (directly on indirectly) all 3 versions of the libraries, you must do as follows:
- Uninstall ALL versions (both x86 and x64) of the VC++ 2005 SP1 runtimes. Download them again from the MS site (BOTH the x86 and x64 versions) and reinstall them BOTH. REBOOT
- Uninstall ALL versions (both x86 and x64) of the VC++ 2013 runtimes. Download them again from the MS site (BOTH the x86 and x64 versions) and reinstall them BOTH. REBOOT
- Uninstall ALL versions (both x86 and x64) of the VC++ 2015 runtimes. Download them again from the MS site (BOTH the x86 and x64 versions) and reinstall them BOTH. REBOOT
If still doesn't work, it's possible your issue is instead the Simconnect client missing in the sim, which is not normal, since our installer obviously install it, but it's possible that one might end up missing/corrupted for the same reasons of the VC++ libraries. To reinstall it, launch this file:
Prepar3D v4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib\SimConnect.MSI
If still doesn't work, then you reinstalled everything required to run, so you are back at square one: check the antivirus and reinstall, because there are no other reasons for the software not running. It's either the antivirus, or the missing libraries.