As soon as I activated a service or requested jetways to be deployed they appeared and worked . That would of been an important thing to KNOW 4 posts ago
But the issue is, it's NOT supposed to work like that, of course (it would be very weird if it did). If you don't select GSX, the scenery will display all jetways in their static version. As soon as GSX is activated, the static jetway will be replaced by the animated one for that gate only.
So, it seems in your case, the static jetways never appeared by, again, it's just not possible because, either you don't have GSX (which would explain no jetways at KCLT), or you have it, so in that case you should see both the static jetway (before calling GSX) and the dynamic (after calling GSX).
I'm sorry, but I cannot explain this, and nobody ever reported it before.