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AES for other products

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I know that  many of you would like to have AES for other airports too but, there's also a copyright issue here.

We own rights for Zurich, so we can anything we want with it. But Cloud9 owns the copyright for all their products, and copyright for Rome, instead, is LAGO's.

That's another good reason why we finally decided to self-publish: we don't want to be in a position when we can't fully control our stuff. I think that's best for users, in the end.


--- Quote ---but honestly I thought YOU are Cloud9. Didn't knew that's that another subject.
--- End quote ---

I'm not Cloud9, they are just one of my customers for the Addon Manager, as Aerosoft is. I was involved a little bit more than that for some of the products, like the Phantom and XClass, but always as a contractor. I don't have (or had) any share or interest in Cloud9, they are a totally separate company owned by different people, and they solely own all copyrights for the products I developed for them. The other guys were also working, as independents, for Cloud9 as well, but were never part of the company. One was employed by Cloud9, but quit more than 1 year ago.

We "regrouped" as FSDreamTeam, but we are not "Cloud9 in disguies". Cloud9 still exists as a separate entity as it always was, it might even hire other developers, if they want, and it's even possible we'll do something for them again, in the future.

--- Quote ---By the way......what about a FSX version of LIRF and the other roman airports??
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At the moment, we are not too excited making products too closely related to the italian market. It's just not strong enough.


--- Quote from: BernhardS on October 28, 2007, 06:34:03 pm ---Hello,
for me I think the same way. AES is a bestseller on Aerosoft and many people use it. It has far more than moving jetways so it would be a great way to expand your other airports! I would like to use AES in LIRF Rome (Lago). Isn't that airport also from you?

Bernhard Scharbert

--- End quote ---
There is a very high quality freeware LIRF scenery available from Avsim by ISC (Italian  Scenery Design) which is also AES compatible.


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