Using P3D41 with W764.. and updates of addonmanager / coutl yesterday.
I am seeing an "incompatability" between sodet163 & gsx, specifically the "autodock based on aircraft state (true)" feature ..... at a few airports (KLAS, KSFO & KSEA) & with my one / only PMDG NGX.
Firstly, no problems between using GSX to initiate jetways with sode163 set to false (manual) ...although if I use sode for docking instead, same interface problem as follows.
With sode on true, autodock occurs as expected (jetway extend & retract), but then if I use GSX for deboard, fuel etc. the jetway "snaps" to "off/retracted", sode connection lost & no further access to GSX features.
Hope it's a small glitch ..... using sode true with gsx seems a great combo.