FS9 support > Las Vegas FS9

Update to KLAS already?

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--- Quote from: Bruce Hamilton on May 01, 2009, 05:35:36 pm ---Blueprint was able to obtain the data necessary to model the new terminal as it was being built, and released it to coincide with the opening of the new terminal in the real world.
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There's no need to mention other developers (although you need far more information to create a terminal at *our* level of quality), when we did the same with JFK T5, which was still in construction when we developed the scenery.

However, a new terminal buing built is way different than changing runway and taxi layouts because, for new terminals you find plenty of plans and 3d renderings but, for taxiways and runway, there's no such things: we need actual pictures, airside and aerial.

Anyway, we HAVE rwy 25L in the scenery, even if it was closed up to this week.


--- Quote from: virtuali on May 01, 2009, 04:15:55 pm ---
--- Quote from: Dillon on May 01, 2009, 03:59:59 pm ---Now since 25L is back open at the real airport and it's fully functional in this scenery this is a none issue...  ???
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My reply was more generic on the issue about asking for updates the same day they happens in the real world, which it's just not possible.

About the specific case, I assume bradl has checked the Trial version, and with that he should realized that we have 7R/25L fully operational already. Not sure about the taxiways situation if everything is fully updated yet...

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Believe me, I know it isn't possible to do something like this real time, but perhaps I should rephrase my question. Would FSDT put out an update to KLAS if said data were made available? Reason I ask, is besides my living there, have 2 friends, one of which works at the tower, the other at the TRACON, both who know in depth what the construction changed, and how it is now set up.

Charts shouldn't be that hard to get, as the next cycle should be ready to be published at NACO. I don't know when GE or VE will take their next shots of the area, but it wouldn't be that hard for someone to go down to the field and take shots there.

Here's another question: if FSDT had known about reconstruction prior to the release of a given scenery and were given details on the reconstruction, would you continue with the release, or hold off on it to see if you can incorporate the changes?

--- Quote from: Bruce Hamilton ---Anyway, we HAVE rwy 25L in the scenery, even if it was closed up to this week.

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It isn't 25L that I'm asking about. it's the changes to the highspeeds off of 25L that I'm thinking of.


It all depends which changes were made, exactly.

We might already have some of them because, when the scenery was in developement (and is still like that, today), GE/VE aerial were still showing the construction in progress, so we had to create those parts without having a reference, but of course we don't know how it compares to real world as it is from this week.

So, it might be helpful first to check the current scenery against the current situation, and have a look at actual pictures. Then we can decide if an update can be made, or we just have to wait for additional data, like updated aerials, for example.


--- Quote from: virtuali on May 01, 2009, 07:44:03 pm ---It all depends which changes were made, exactly.

We might already have some of them because, when the scenery was in developement (and is still like that, today), GE/VE aerial were still showing the construction in progress, so we had to create those parts without having a reference, but of course we don't know how it compares to real world as it is from this week.

So, it might be helpful first to check the current scenery against the current situation, and have a look at actual pictures. Then we can decide if an update can be made, or we just have to wait for additional data, like updated aerials, for example.

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I'll see what I can find for you. I do know this; unlike the changes at LAX, the runway was not moved laterally (LAX moved 25L/7R 150ft. south of where it previously was so they could put in a parallel taxiway between the 25s). It is still at the same place as it was before and is still the same length as well. Unfortunately, NACO printed the next cycle before the runway opened again, so I may have to wait until the cycle after next (next cycle starts May 7th, ends June 4th) to see if they add the changes then.


I'm sitting here thinking of all the work that's been put forth concerning this scenery and it's disheartening something so trivial as a couple of high speed turnoffs can become such an issue with some.  We just finished nailing down a decent AFCAD which was work in itself.  Let's enjoy what's been accomplished here for awhile before we nail FSDT to the wall for small oversights (which is unfair seeing this is new construction).  I personally want to see these guys get started on KDFW as soon as possible.  I agree if taxiways have changed then that will need to get addressed and with that another update to our much worked on AFCAD.  Of course I'm interested to know if this is a non issue for the simple fact this scenery is already based on the latest data.  The construction of these new highspeed turnoffs  didn't just happen in the last couple of weeks.  25L open or not had new concrete being laid for quite some time and this scenery could very well already reflect that.


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